The Diplomat | Author

Dechlan Brennan
Dechlan Brennan is a Melbourne-based writer, specializing in Australian and Indo-Pacific politics as well as Indigenous affairs.
Alongside his work for the Diplomat, Dechlan has been featured in Vice, The Saturday Paper, and Umbrella News and a host of other publications, as well as appearing on the 7AM podcast.
He holds a Bachelor of Arts (International Relations/History) from Macquarie University and is currently enrolled in a post-graduate diploma of Journalism at RMIT
Follow him on Twitter: @allhandzon

January 16, 2024
Nauru Switches Ties From Taipei to Beijing
By Dechlan Brennan
In the immediate aftermath of Taiwan’s elections, in which the DPP retained the presidency, Nauru announced its decision to establish diplomatic relations with China.

January 13, 2024
The Facade of Australia Day Deserves to Crumble
By Dechlan Brennan
No other country celebrates the dismantling of one Indigenous group’s way of life as their national day like Australia does.

January 02, 2024
After 2023 Voice Disappointment, Is There Hope for Treaty in Australia?
By Dechlan Brennan
Moving beyond the “no” campaign, conservative political parties across Australia are working to further erode Indigenous reconciliation movements, such as the various Treaty processes.

December 13, 2023
A Disappointed Pacific Watches COP28 Unfold
By Dechlan Brennan
For the island nations of the Pacific, the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change is already a reality.

November 29, 2023
French Ministers Visit New Caledonia, With Nickel and the Future on the Agenda
By Dechlan Brennan
Two of France’s most senior ministers visited New Caledonia recently as discussions around the nation's political relationship with France continue.

November 02, 2023
Agony for Australia’s Palestinian Community as War Rages on in Gaza
By Dechlan Brennan
“So, there's the pain of the suffering in Palestine – our homeland – but then there's the feeling of abandonment. It’s an otherness. It’s like we don’t belong in Australia, we don't belong on Earth almost.”

October 19, 2023
During Australia Visit, Fijian Prime Minister Calls for ‘Ocean of Peace’
By Dechlan Brennan
Rabuka said Fiji was “more comfortable” dealing with nations like Australia, taking a measured tone and notably shifting Fiji further away from entanglement with China.

October 17, 2023
How Australia Failed Its Indigenous Communities, Again
By Dechlan Brennan
The opposition Coalition and conservative media argued that the Voice would bring about a racial divide in the country. But it is already here, in clear view.

October 13, 2023
Australians Vote on a Voice for First Nations Peoples
By Dechlan Brennan
Although the referendum’s suggested change would be small, the campaign against it has grown on the back of misinformation, lies, and a deep well of racism. Supporters are preparing for it to fail.

September 07, 2023
Kalsakau Out as Top Vanuatu Court Weights in on No-Confidence Vote
By Dechlan Brennan
Sato Kilman became Vanuatu's third prime minister in less than 10 months after the Supreme Court ruled that last month’s no-confidence motion had, indeed, passed.

September 02, 2023
Queensland Allows Children to be Imprisoned in Police Watch Houses
By Dechlan Brennan
A new law allows children to be imprisoned in police watch houses, the equivalent of jails in the United States, as youth detention centers overflow. All while the number of youth offenders hits a decade low.

August 24, 2023
Australia Resumes Use of the Phrase ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’
By Dechlan Brennan
Internationally, the decision to realign the definition is seen as very uncontroversial. But it does put Australia out of step with the United States.
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