
Asia Defense

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Fiction and Consequences: War in Art and the Art of War

Fiction and Consequences: War in Art and the Art of War

By Jacob Parakilas
When it comes to depictions of the future of war, art doesn’t have to be particularly sophisticated to say something worth thinking about.
Japan’s Arms Exports: A Prudent Possibility Amid Enduring Challenges

Japan’s Arms Exports: A Prudent Possibility Amid Enduring Challenges

By John Wright
Japan needs to urgently address key structural problems in order to build an export-driven defense industry.

An Inoffensive Quest: Can Japan’s Defense Exports Take Off?

An Inoffensive Quest: Can Japan’s Defense Exports Take Off?

By John Wright
Japan’s quest for an arms manufacturing industry is intimately linked with its self-perception as a “normal” power. How has it fared so far?

Quad Plus Canada Participate in Anti-Sub War Exercise

Quad Plus Canada Participate in Anti-Sub War Exercise

By Abhijnan Rej
Sea Dragon is likely to bother China – and not just because of the moniker.

Are Hypersonic Weapons All Hype?

Are Hypersonic Weapons All Hype?

By Robert Farley
To say hypersonics aren’t revolutionary is hardly to say that they’re irrelevant.
India Develops Indigenous 9 MM Machine Pistol

India Develops Indigenous 9 MM Machine Pistol

By Abhijnan Rej
The announcement comes amid a further push for defense manufacturing by the Modi government.

Russia’s Behemoth ‘Hunter’ Drone Destroys Ground Target in Test

Russia’s Behemoth ‘Hunter’ Drone Destroys Ground Target in Test

By Abhijnan Rej
The loyal-wingman drone is anticipated to be handed over to the Russian military in 2024.
US Declassifies Strategy, Revealing Yawning Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality

US Declassifies Strategy, Revealing Yawning Gap Between Rhetoric and Reality

By Steven Stashwick
The “Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific” reveals few surprises, and even fewer successes, in the last days of the Trump administration.

Sizing Up South Korea’s Coming Aircraft Carriers

Sizing Up South Korea’s Coming Aircraft Carriers

By Robert Farley
The development will undoubtedly have an effect on naval planning in Northeast Asia.

India and Indonesia Push Ahead with Defense Relationship

India and Indonesia Push Ahead with Defense Relationship

By Abhijnan Rej
Despite deepening strategic relations, the two countries have latent differences in the maritime domain.

Militaries Are Planning for an Autonomous Revolution. What if the Tech Isn’t Up to It?

Militaries Are Planning for an Autonomous Revolution. What if the Tech Isn’t Up to It?

By Jacob Parakilas
The path to robust, reliable military autonomy is long and winding – with a lot of potential dead ends.
Does Japan Need to Develop a New Fighter Aircraft?

Does Japan Need to Develop a New Fighter Aircraft?

By Arnaud Sobrero
China’s military buildup, coupled with existing problems associated with imports from the U.S., may make such a move a necessity.

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