‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community.’ That’s the ASEAN motto. But what’s the reality? Our bloggers based around this diverse and strategically key region give you an insider’s perspective on politics, security and society in South-east Asia.

Indonesia Breaks Daily COVID-19 Record as Omicron Surge Continues
By Sebastian Strangio
The surge has prompted the authorities to reintroduce some limited social restrictions on Java and Bali.

Cambodia Puts Controversial National Internet Gateway Plan on Hold
By Sebastian Strangio
Under proposed rules, Cambodian ISPs would be required to route all of their internet traffic through a single, government-controlled chokepoint.

Rohingya Militancy: Myth or Reality?
By Shafi Md Mostofa
Rohingya refugees have so far proven surprisingly resistant to the siren call of global jihadi ideology.

Japan’s Kirin to Finalize Withdrawal From Myanmar
By Sebastian Strangio
After a year of failed negotiations with its military-linked joint venture partner, the Japanese beverage maker has become the latest foreign firm to exit the country.

Myanmar Junta to Spurn ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting
By Sebastian Strangio
The decision came after Cambodia, ASEAN's current chair, announced that the junta would only be permitted to send a "non-political" representative.

The China Factor in Indonesia’s New Capital City Plan
By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat and Yeta Purnama
China’s economic influence in Indonesia will translate into a prominent role in the development of the new capital.

Philippines Election Authority Dismisses More Complaints Against Marcos
By Sebastian Strangio
The son of the late dictator now holds a commanding lead in the race to succeed President Rodrigo Duterte.

Indonesian Parliament Set to Scrutinize Bilateral Agreements with Singapore
By Jefferson Ng
Due to the complex composition of the country's parliament, the process is likely to be protracted.

Philippines Fully Opens to Foreign Visitors After Nearly 2 Years
By Sebastian Strangio
The move, which follows a sudden easing of COVID-19 infections, will deliver a much-needed jolt to the nation's tourism industry.

As Cambodian Election Season Nears, Opposition Parties Prepare to Tackle Hun Sen
By Sebastian Strangio
Upcoming commune and national elections won't be free or fair, but they will offer signals of how the CPP plans to govern during its next mandate.

Is Or Vandine Cambodia’s Future?
By David Hutt
The U.S.-educated Health Ministry official has shot to prominence as the public face of Cambodia's COVID-19 response.

Thailand Drops Cannabis From Its List of Controlled Narcotics
By Sebastian Strangio
Public Health Minister Anutin Charnivakul said the move marked the beginning of "a new history for cannabis" in the country.