Asia Geopolitics
A weekly discussion of the geopolitical implications of current events in the Asia-Pacific, hosted by Ankit Panda and Catherine Putz from The Diplomat, with regular guests.

Space Security and Geopolitical Competition in the Asia-Pacific
By Ankit Panda
Between the proliferation of counterspace capabilities and intensifying geopolitical competition, space is a critical domain for Asian powers.

Stalemate in the Himalayas: India-China Relations in 2020
By Ankit Panda
The two sides remain mired in a standoff with a final agreement still remote.

Patents for Power: Defense Technology and Intellectual Property Law
By Ankit Panda
Robert Farley discusses the intersection of defense technology and intellectual property law.

How Does China View the Notion of a New ‘Cold War’?
By Ankit Panda
As U.S.-China relations fray, how does Beijing assess the situation?

US-India Ties Amid the Eastern Ladakh Crisis and the Pandemic
By Ankit Panda
How has the U.S.-India relationship evolved in the first half of 2020?

Making Sense of the 2020 US South China Sea Policy Update
By Ankit Panda
Greg Poling joins the podcast to discuss revisions to U.S. South China Sea policy.

The Origins and Drivers of Australia’s 2020 Defense Strategic Update
By Ankit Panda
Australia reacts to a shifting regional environment.

Making Sense of Japan’s Decision to Scrap Aegis Ashore Missile Defense
By Ankit Panda
James Schoff joins the podcast to discuss Tokyo’s options on missile defense.

The Origins of 2020’s Inter-Korean Tensions
By Ankit Panda
How did the two Koreas go from summitry and diplomacy in 2018 to high tensions in 2020?

Afghanistan Update: Is the February 2020 US-Taliban Deal Making Headway?
By Ankit Panda
The Diplomat's Catherine Putz explains the state of the February 2020 U.S.-Taliban agreement.

Fingers, Boots, and Lines: Understanding the 2020 India-China Border Tensions
By Ankit Panda
What’s driving the latest bout of India-China tensions?

Will China’s Upcoming National Security Law Mark the End of an Autonomous Hong Kong?
By Ankit Panda
How will the eventual imposition of a new national security law affect Hong Kong’s place in the world?