
The Foreign Policy Benefits of a Treaty With Australia’s Indigenous Peoples
By Henry Storey
Making peace with Australia’s past could be a boon for its international relations, as well as simply being the right thing to do.

Huawei 5G Debate Causes Rift Between Western Powers
By Joshua Mcdonald
The allure of Huawei’s 5G has caused a growing rift between Australia and the U.S. on one side, and Europe on the other.

Australian Court Rules Indigenous People Can’t Be Deported
By Associated Press
Australia's High Court ruled in a 4-3 decision that indigenous Australians cannot be deported even if they do not hold Australian citizenship.

The Future of Australia’s Energy
By Joshua Mcdonald
Coal could be sidelined by a push for gas to serve as a transition fuel, and a move toward renewably produced hydrogen.

Chuuk State’s Delayed Independence Vote Approaches
By Adam Kiedrowski
Chuuk, the most populous part of the Federated States of Micronesia, is set to vote on whether to seek independence in March 2020.

Australia and Indonesia: Close Friends At Last?
By Grant Wyeth
In a speech at the Australian parliament, Jokowi called Australia Indonesia’s closest friend.

Not All Born in American Samoa Want US Citizenship
By Associated Press
For many Samoans, a recent U.S. federal court ruling threatens a distinct identity and way of life.

Bushfires and a Warming Planet Are Putting Australia’s Biodiversity at Risk
By Joshua Mcdonald
Ecologists estimate that more than a billion animals and hundreds of millions of insects perished in the fires.

Australia Is Watching the US Election Process Closely
By Grant Wyeth
Whoever holds the U.S presidency has a considerable impact on Australia.

UK, Australia Commit to Free Trade Negotiations
By Associated Press
With Brexit complete, Britain is eager to drum up its own free trade partners. First stop: Australia.

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Survives Internal Revolt
By Associated Press
Michael McCormack will keep his position as head of the Nationals, the junior partner in Australia’s governing coalition.

Australia and the Pacific Respond to Coronavirus Outbreak
By Joshua Mcdonald
Beyond China, Australia was one of the first countries to confirm a case of the virus.