
East Asia

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Economic Exchange Anchors China-Arab Ties

Economic Exchange Anchors China-Arab Ties

By Eleanor Albert
The China-Arab States Expo spotlights the growing economic relationship between China and the Middle East.
Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge

Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge

By Vanessa Molter
Faced with high military personnel cost and unfavorable demographics, Taiwan will have to make uncomfortable policy choices.

The Significance of South Korea’s Decision to Terminate an Intelligence-Sharing Pact With Japan

The Significance of South Korea’s Decision to Terminate an Intelligence-Sharing Pact With Japan

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
How will the end of GSOMIA affect Northeast Asian security? Also, how significant is the first U.S.-ASEAN maritime exercise?

What Recent Promotions Tells Us About the ‘New Normal’ in China’s Military

What Recent Promotions Tells Us About the ‘New Normal’ in China’s Military

By Ying Yu Lin
After uncertainty caused by reform and anti-corruption, the PLA’s personnel management is returning to normal patterns.

High-Profile Arrests, Protest Ban Mark New Phase in Attempt to Quell Hong Kong Protests

High-Profile Arrests, Protest Ban Mark New Phase in Attempt to Quell Hong Kong Protests

By Shannon Tiezzi
The Hong Kong government doubles down on its current approach: clamping down on the protests and pro-democracy leaders.
The Development of K-Pop Without China

The Development of K-Pop Without China

By Layne Vandenberg
China is one of the world’s largest markets; but K-pop continues to be a global phenomenon without it.

Where Will the US Base Intermediate-Range Missiles in the Pacific?

Where Will the US Base Intermediate-Range Missiles in the Pacific?

By Evan Karlik
Japan's Ryukyu Islands and Palau are the most probable contenders for new U.S. intermediate-range missiles.
China Rotates New Troops Into Hong Kong Amid Mass Protests

China Rotates New Troops Into Hong Kong Amid Mass Protests

By Ken Moritsugu and Yanan Wang
Chinese officials called the move a routine annual rotation, but it raised fresh worries about the possible use of force.

South China Sea Tops Agenda as Philippines’ Duterte Arrives in China

South China Sea Tops Agenda as Philippines’ Duterte Arrives in China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Both sides are emphasizing the disputed waters, but for different reasons.

US Defense Secretary: Concerned About North Korean Missile Launches, But Won’t ‘Overreact’

US Defense Secretary: Concerned About North Korean Missile Launches, But Won’t ‘Overreact’

By Ankit Panda
Mark Esper said that a “measured response” was necessary to facilitate diplomacy.

Is China Getting Ready to Finally Reveal the DF-41 Intercontinental-Range Ballistic Missile?

Is China Getting Ready to Finally Reveal the DF-41 Intercontinental-Range Ballistic Missile?

By Ankit Panda
Is the long-awaited DF-41 expected to make an appearance?
Public Anger Grows in South Korea Over Justice Minister Nominee

Public Anger Grows in South Korea Over Justice Minister Nominee

By Tae-jun Kang
The scandal surrounding Cho Kuk taps into deeper sentiments that only the rich and powerful can succeed in South Korea.

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