
East Asia

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Kishida’s Game-Changing Visit to India

Kishida’s Game-Changing Visit to India

By NAGAO Satoru
Three reasons why the Japanese PM’s trip was historic.
NATO-Japan Relations Have Room To Grow

NATO-Japan Relations Have Room To Grow

By Matthew Venoit
Stronger ties between NATO and Japan are mutually beneficial, reinforce Japan’s deterrence-based denial strategy, and should be institutionalized.

4 Protesters Against China’s COVID Policy Released on Bail

4 Protesters Against China’s COVID Policy Released on Bail

By Huizhong Wu
The four women had been arrested on charges of “picking quarrels and provoking troubles” for their participation in the December 2022 protests.

India Seeks a Strategic Reset in Relations With Mozambique

India Seeks a Strategic Reset in Relations With Mozambique

By Raghvendra Kumar
External Affairs Minister Jaishankar's recent trip highlights India's growing interests in the gas-rich, Western Indian Ocean littoral state.

China’s Humanitarian Efforts Fail to Measure up in the Middle East

China’s Humanitarian Efforts Fail to Measure up in the Middle East

By Jesse Marks
For all the focus on Beijing’s diplomatic prowess in the region, there is one area where it falls woefully short: humanitarian aid.
Suspect in Japan PM Attack Previously Complained About Election System

Suspect in Japan PM Attack Previously Complained About Election System

By Mari Yamaguchi
The man now in custody for the bomb attack had previously filed a lawsuit claiming Japan’s restrictions on candidates were unconstitutional.

North Korea Heralds Completion of Its First Military Reconnaissance Satellite

North Korea Heralds Completion of Its First Military Reconnaissance Satellite

By Mitch Shin
Kim Jong Un inspected the National Aerospace Development Administration and urged technicians to launch the military reconnaissance satellite at the planned (but unspecified) date.
Japan Says Aircraft Scrambles Are Down – But Responses to Drones and UFOs Are Up

Japan Says Aircraft Scrambles Are Down – But Responses to Drones and UFOs Are Up

By Takahashi Kosuke
Japan scrambled fighter aircraft 778 times in FY2022, nearly three-quarters of those coming against Chinese planes. 

Where Are Australia-China Relations Headed?

Where Are Australia-China Relations Headed?

Michael Clarke, Jennifer Hsu, and Zhongzhou Peng discuss the tentative thaw in Australia-China relations.

What Are China’s Alleged ‘Secret Overseas Police Stations’?

What Are China’s Alleged ‘Secret Overseas Police Stations’?

By Associated Press
Police in New York have arrested two men for allegedly setting up a secret police station, the latest in a string of accusations.

Why US Policymakers Must Take a Surgical Approach to TikTok Concerns

Why US Policymakers Must Take a Surgical Approach to TikTok Concerns

By Ryan Nabil
Wholesale banning of an entire social media platform could have serious implications for the future role of the government in regulating how Americans use the internet. 
Lula in China: The End of Brazil’s Flirtation With the Quad Plus

Lula in China: The End of Brazil’s Flirtation With the Quad Plus

By Henoch Gabriel Mandelbaum
The new Lula administration has brought Brazil’s China policy back in line with its traditional approach, after the anti-China rhetoric of Jair Bolsonaro.

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