
Southeast Asia

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Indonesian Foreign Policy: ‘A Million Friends and Zero Enemies’

Indonesian Foreign Policy: ‘A Million Friends and Zero Enemies’

By Ted Piccone and Bimo Yusman
Under SBY, Indonesia has boosted its international presence. What will his successor do?
Vietnam and China: A Dangerous Incident

Vietnam and China: A Dangerous Incident

By Scott Bentley
A new Chinese documentary offers startling revelations from a 2007 confrontation in the South China Sea.

The Fall of Singapore and Railway of Death

The Fall of Singapore and Railway of Death

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new film remembers the end of Britain’s Asian Empire and a 'complacent supremacy.'

Old Malaysian Issues Are New, Again

Old Malaysian Issues Are New, Again

By Luke Hunt
Controversy over the use of “Allah” by non-Muslims has religious – and political – underpinnings.

No Winners, Only Losers in Thailand’s Elections

No Winners, Only Losers in Thailand’s Elections

By Elliot Brennan
Marred by protests, the weekend vote hardly signals the end of Thailand’s troubles.
Jakarta’s Troubled Infrastructure

Jakarta’s Troubled Infrastructure

By Alex Hamer
Outdated infrastructure and constant gridlock are worsening with rapid growth in car ownership.

Submarines in Southeast Asia: Proliferation, Not a Race

Submarines in Southeast Asia: Proliferation, Not a Race

By Koh Swee Lean Collin
ASEAN countries are looking to bolster their submarine fleets, but this is not an arms race.
Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Aftermath Part II

Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Aftermath Part II

By Josephine Reynolds (Words) and Piyavit Thongsa-Ard (Images)
Images from the early stages of the aftermath of the devastating typhoon.

Big Year for Myanmar Economic Reforms

Big Year for Myanmar Economic Reforms

By Philip Heijmans
Can the country maintain the reform momentum ahead of elections?

Remnants of the Secret War in Laos

Remnants of the Secret War in Laos

By Peter Alan Lloyd
Dealing with unexploded ordinance (UXO) left over from the fighting in Laos during the Vietnam War.

Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Aftermath Part I

Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Aftermath Part I

By Herman Lumanog
A photographer returns to the devastated city of Tacloban, as it begins the process of rebuilding.
Lessons from the Battle of the Paracel Islands

Lessons from the Battle of the Paracel Islands

By Ngo Minh Tri and Koh Swee Lean Collin
Forty years on, the battle has enduring lessons for Vietnam’s naval modernization.

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