Afghanistan-Turkmenistan relations

Could Afghanistan’s Qoshtepa Canal Worsen Water Scarcity in Central Asia?
By Andrew Kuchins and Elvira Aidarkhanova
The canal's completion could exacerbate regional conflict, but also presents an opportunity for regional cooperation.

Turkmenistan’s Afghanistan Policy: Balancing Risks and Untapped Opportunities
By Eldaniz Gusseinov
Ashgabat has a delicate balance to maintain between hewing to its traditional neutrality and mitigating potential threats from Afghanistan.

The Taliban’s New Canal Threatens Water Security in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
By Niginakhon Saida
As the Taliban rush to complete the Qosh Tepa canal, Central Asia’s water security is at risk.

TAPI, Turkmenistan, and the Taliban
By Catherine Putz
The Taliban’s rise to power in Afghanistan doesn’t materially affect the dim prospects that TAPI will be built any time soon.

How Concerned Is Turkmenistan About Its Afghan Border?
By Catherine Putz
A reported drive to register men under 50 for the army reserves hints at underlying concern about the border.

Turkmenistan Turns Off the Lights in Northern Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
Nothing says friendship like turning off the power on New Year’s Eve.

Afghanistan and Turkmenistan: A Model for Regional Economic Cooperation
By M. Ashraf Haidari
"In essence, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan fight against terrorism and radicalism by reducing extreme poverty."
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