
Afghanistan war

Afghan Allies Risked Everything for US Missions. Urgent Action Is Needed to Protect Them.

Afghan Allies Risked Everything for US Missions. Urgent Action Is Needed to Protect Them.

By Demi Hester
Years of bureaucratic delays, policy changes, and geopolitical instability under both the Biden and Trump administrations have left Afghans stranded and vulnerable.
Australian General Says US Warned War Crime Allegations Could Prevent Work With Australia’s SAS

Australian General Says US Warned War Crime Allegations Could Prevent Work With Australia’s SAS

By Rod McGuirk
The warning came in the form of a letter from a defense attache “indicating that the release of the Brereton report and its findings may initiate Leahy Law considerations.”

Does the World Care About Crimes Against Humanity in Asia?

Does the World Care About Crimes Against Humanity in Asia?

By Philip Smucker
The ICC's decision to take action against Russia's Putin is in glaring contrast to its slow or non-existent response to myriad war crimes in Asia, from the wars in Vietnam to Afghanistan to Myanmar today.

Can the World Get Aid to Afghanistan?

Can the World Get Aid to Afghanistan?

By Philip Smucker
Humanitarian aid experts desperately want to help, but their options are limited – especially if they want to avoid further empowering the Taliban.

Can America’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Help Its China Strategy?

Can America’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Help Its China Strategy?

By Dingding Chen and You Wang
Despite the intention to refocus U.S. energy and attention on the Asia-Pacific, difficult questions remain as to the benefits for U.S. China policy.
China Blames US for Chaos in Afghanistan But Offers Cooperation Toward Stability

China Blames US for Chaos in Afghanistan But Offers Cooperation Toward Stability

By Associated Press
Foreign Minister Wang Yi told his U.S. counterpart that China is willing to help promote the soft landing of the Afghan issue” and avoid “humanitarian disaster.”

What the Fall of Afghanistan Means for Taiwan

What the Fall of Afghanistan Means for Taiwan

By Vincent Chao
Afghanistan and Taiwan have few parallels, but Taipei can still draw some important lessons from the tragic fall of Kabul.
Kabul Is Not Quite Saigon, and It Was All Too Easy

Kabul Is Not Quite Saigon, and It Was All Too Easy

By Luke Hunt
Where was the Afghan military and the warlords?

The Taliban Ride Back to Power in Kabul

The Taliban Ride Back to Power in Kabul

By Niha Dagia
Kabul’s fall to the Taliban is more the result of the Afghan government’s ineptitude and corruption than the Taliban’s strength.

Australia Struggles With Moral Obligation to Aid Afghan Partners

Australia Struggles With Moral Obligation to Aid Afghan Partners

By Joshua Mcdonald
Afghan interpreters plead for support from the Australian government as the threat from the Taliban increases.

Growing Violence in Afghanistan Takes a Toll on Afghan Refugees in Pakistan

Growing Violence in Afghanistan Takes a Toll on Afghan Refugees in Pakistan

By Shahid Afzal Khan
Stalled out peace talks have shattered hopes of a safe return home for millions of Afghans who fled abroad.
Blinken in Afghanistan to Sell Biden Troop Withdrawal

Blinken in Afghanistan to Sell Biden Troop Withdrawal

By Matthew Lee
"The partnership is changing, but the partnership itself is enduring,” Blinken said during his unannounced visit to Afghanistan.

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