
Art and Society

Under Threat: Art, Politics and History in Central Asia

Under Threat: Art, Politics and History in Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
A few good reads for the weekend.
Uzbekistan Fires Director of the Famous Nukus Art Museum

Uzbekistan Fires Director of the Famous Nukus Art Museum

By Catherine Putz
Marinika Babanazarova has been director of the Karakalpak Museum of Art since 1984. Her dismissal has caused an uproar.

Hoarding Banned Soviet Art in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
And the "discourse of danger" in Tajikistan, recommended reads.

Build Your Own Bangkok: An Artist Turned Amateur Anthropologist

Build Your Own Bangkok: An Artist Turned Amateur Anthropologist

By Poppy McPherson
In her art, Kathy MacLeod explores Bangkok's 'vibe of self-worship', the hipster invasion, and sexpat culture.

The Buddhist Bug: Islam, Buddhism, and Art in Cambodia

The Buddhist Bug: Islam, Buddhism, and Art in Cambodia

By Poppy McPherson
Anida Yoeu Ali’s multi-media installation and performance project is an exploration of spiritual turmoil.
Japan's Real 'Salarymen'

Japan's Real 'Salarymen'

Some of Japan’s hardest working people are types far from what you’d expect.

Kyrgyzstan Food Art

Kyrgyzstan Food Art

American burgers become art in one of the busiest community hubs in Kyrgyzstan?

Bittersweet Kyrgyzstan

Bittersweet Kyrgyzstan

The setting of an art project in Kyrgyzstan’s been destroyed. But hopefully not all is lost.

Made in China

A new art exhibit features Chinese printing, a technology pioneered over 1300 years ago.

BAS! Beyond the Red Light

BAS! Beyond the Red Light

A new documentary about young girls in Mumbai’s red light district is worth seeing.

No. 2: Godzilla

No. 2: Godzilla

Over 50 years old, this iconic monster of a film is second on our countdown.

Not Born into a Brothel

‘From a Calcutta brothel to a New York University,’ reports the BBC today on one of the eight children who were featured in the 2004 documentary Born into Brothels, a remarkable film about finding hope through art for some of the most unfortunate you

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