Australia-India relations

Under Pressure, Australia Reverses Ban on Returns from India
By Grant Wyeth
Although the ban is set to be lifted on May 15, flying home for Australians in India will still be a difficult, and expensive, prospect.

Has the Long Arm of the BJP’s Identity Politics Reached Australia?
By Grant Wyeth
A group of Sikh men were attacked in a Sydney suburb by other Indian Australians. Police believe the attack is linked to the Sikh-led farmers' protests in India.

To Deepen Relations With India, Australia Should ‘Step Up’ in South Asia
By Henry Storey
Canberra can help deepen relations with New Delhi by putting more effort into its relations with other South Asia states.

Can Australia and India Effectively Partner for COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out?
By Grant Wyeth
Australia is well-positioned to help roll-out a COVID-19 vaccine across the Pacific and Southeast Asia; India’s vaccine manufacturing capability would be a huge boost to that effort.

Rise of the Minilaterals: Examining the India-France-Australia Trilateral
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The India-France-Australia trilateral is only the latest of the many minilaterals that are taking shape in the Indo-Pacific region.

Amid Escalating Tension With China, Australia and India Strengthen Partnership
By Joshua Mcdonald
A new Australia-India agreement is a sign of regional cooperation to halt Chinese aggression across the Asia-Pacific.

India and Australia’s ‘Shared Vision’: Setting the Stage for Indo-Pacific Maritime Security Engagement
By Ankush Wagle
We are seeing the first steps toward a deeper India-Australia maritime security partnership in the Indo-Pacific.

India Expands Diplomatic Efforts Amid Border Standoff With China
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
New Delhi has been sending Beijing signals via its diplomatic interactions with the U.S., Taiwan, and Australia in recent weeks.

Amid COVID–19, India’s Modi and Australia’s Morrison Plan Virtual Prime Ministerial Summit
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The Indian and Australian leaders are expected to “meet” virtually soon. There’s no shortage of important topics to cover, especially related to China.

High Australian Hopes for India, But Is the BJP the Right Partner?
By Grant Wyeth
Describing India as a “like-minded power” increasingly lacks credibility as the Modi government pursues contentious ideological policies.

Australia Plans Return of Indian Artifacts
By Grant Wyeth
Seeking to build relations with New Delhi, Canberra plans to return Indian artifacts purchased from a discredited art dealer.

Why Australia and India Haven’t Settled an FTA Yet
By Grant Wyeth
After eight years of negotiations, Canberra and New Delhi have been unable to settle the details of a free trade agreement.