Australia-South Korea relations

Like-minded Middle Powers in the Indo-Pacific: The Case of Australia and South Korea
By Le Nhu Mai
In anticipation of post-Biden uncertainties, Australia and South Korea are looking to further consolidate their burgeoning ties.

Australia’s Growing Ties With Northeast Asia
By Grant Wyeth
It is at the intersection of commercial and hard-security interests that Australia’s relationships with Japan and South Korea are finding their increasing health.

Challenges for the Australia-South Korea Middle Power Partnership
By Wongi Choe
Given their shared values, close economic links, and convergent strategic interests, South Korea and Australia would do well to establish a deeper and more strategic partnership.

Australia-South Korea Partnership: Beyond 2+2
By Theo Mendez and Jay Song
There’s no doubt the two are allies, but the cost of shallow bilateralism will have lasting effects on people-to-people exchanges.

Australia and South Korea Can and Must Deepen Defense Industry Cooperation
By Tom Corben
A foundation is being already laid for enhanced collaboration on shared supply chain and R&D challenges.

COVID-19 Presents Opportunities for Australia-South Korea Relations
By Tom Corben
The global pandemic and the absence of international leadership in addressing it give Canberra and Seoul a chance to shine together.

Course Correction: Promising Signs for Australia-South Korea Relations
By Tom Corben
After a period of neglect, leaders in Canberra and Seoul appear to be putting bilateral ties back on course.

Australia’s Korea Policy Needs a Reset
By Tom Corben
Canberra’s reactive approach to the Korean Peninsula is antithetical to its interests and middle power aspirations.

Viewing the Inter-Korea Summit from Australia
By Grant Wyeth
Given Australia's economic interests in Northeast Asia, how does Canberra view the Inter-Korea summit?

Australia’s Growing Security Cooperation With South Korea
By Tom Corben
Closer security cooperation between Canberra and Seoul appears certain at a time of heightened regional tension.

Asia-Pacific Messaging for Australia and the U.S.
By Andrew Kwon
A joint conference focuses on the rebalancing, but appears to overlook an important element.
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