
Australia-South Korea relations

Australia’s Growing Ties With Northeast Asia

Australia’s Growing Ties With Northeast Asia

By Grant Wyeth
It is at the intersection of commercial and hard-security interests that Australia’s relationships with Japan and South Korea are finding their increasing health.

Challenges for the Australia-South Korea Middle Power Partnership

Challenges for the Australia-South Korea Middle Power Partnership

By Wongi Choe
Given their shared values, close economic links, and convergent strategic interests, South Korea and Australia would do well to establish a deeper and more strategic partnership.
Australia-South Korea Partnership: Beyond 2+2

Australia-South Korea Partnership: Beyond 2+2

By Theo Mendez and Jay Song
There’s no doubt the two are allies, but the cost of shallow bilateralism will have lasting effects on people-to-people exchanges.

Australia and South Korea Can and Must Deepen Defense Industry Cooperation

Australia and South Korea Can and Must Deepen Defense Industry Cooperation

By Tom Corben
A foundation is being already laid for enhanced collaboration on shared supply chain and R&D challenges.

COVID-19 Presents Opportunities for Australia-South Korea Relations

COVID-19 Presents Opportunities for Australia-South Korea Relations

By Tom Corben
The global pandemic and the absence of international leadership in addressing it give Canberra and Seoul a chance to shine together. 

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Course Correction: Promising Signs for Australia-South Korea Relations

Course Correction: Promising Signs for Australia-South Korea Relations

By Tom Corben
After a period of neglect, leaders in Canberra and Seoul appear to be putting bilateral ties back on course.

Australia’s Korea Policy Needs a Reset

Australia’s Korea Policy Needs a Reset

By Tom Corben
Canberra’s reactive approach to the Korean Peninsula is antithetical to its interests and middle power aspirations.
Viewing the Inter-Korea Summit from Australia

Viewing the Inter-Korea Summit from Australia

By Grant Wyeth
Given Australia's economic interests in Northeast Asia, how does Canberra view the Inter-Korea summit?

Australia’s Growing Security Cooperation With South Korea

Australia’s Growing Security Cooperation With South Korea

By Tom Corben
Closer security cooperation between Canberra and Seoul appears certain at a time of heightened regional tension.

Asia-Pacific Messaging for Australia and the U.S.

Asia-Pacific Messaging for Australia and the U.S.

By Andrew Kwon
A joint conference focuses on the rebalancing, but appears to overlook an important element.

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