
Australia submarines

Australia Dumps French Submarine Deal for US Nuclear Fleet

Australia Dumps French Submarine Deal for US Nuclear Fleet

By Rod McGuirk
The move prompted a French official to describe the Australian choice as "a stab in the back."

Biden Announces Indo-Pacific Alliance With UK, Australia

Biden Announces Indo-Pacific Alliance With UK, Australia

By Aamer Madhani and Jonathan Lemire
The move is likely to deepen a growing chasm in U.S.-China relations.
India and the Scorpene Leak: Untangling the Knots

India and the Scorpene Leak: Untangling the Knots

By Abhijit Singh
Answering 3 critical questions about the leaked information on India's submarines.

Australia’s Pending Defense White Paper

Australia’s Pending Defense White Paper

By Helen Clark
Subs, shipbuilding, terrorism and the South China Sea…the next White Paper will make for interesting reading.

Australia’s Direction on Defense

Australia’s Direction on Defense

By Claire Corbett
Military and political leaders discuss the direction for the ADF at a recent conference.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Australia Speaks Plainly on the South China Sea

Australia Speaks Plainly on the South China Sea

By Elliot Brennan
The country’s defense officials make their strongest statements yet on the disputes.

Will Japanese Subs Be Built in Australia?

Will Japanese Subs Be Built in Australia?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Remarks by a retired Japanese Vice Admiral could be a "game changer" in the race for Australia's biggest-ever arms deal.
Australia's Botched Sub Bidding Process Upsets Sweden

Australia's Botched Sub Bidding Process Upsets Sweden

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A letter outlines why Sweden feels snubbed for not having been invited to bid for Canberra's new submarine fleet.

Australia’s Ongoing Submarine Debate

Australia’s Ongoing Submarine Debate

By Helen Clark
Confusion seems to reign in the wake of the PM’s “near-death” experience last week.

Why Australia Should Build Its Own Submarines (2)

Why Australia Should Build Its Own Submarines (2)

By Peter Briggs
More compelling reasons why Australia should go for the indigenous option.

Why Australia Should Build Its Own Submarines (1)

Why Australia Should Build Its Own Submarines (1)

By Peter Briggs
There are compelling reasons why Australia should go for the indigenous option.
Is Germany Still in the Race for Australia’s Biggest Arms Deal of the Century?

Is Germany Still in the Race for Australia’s Biggest Arms Deal of the Century?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Angela Merkel is aggressively pushing for Germany to win a contract to build 12 submarines.

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