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Australia Shirks Responsibility to Indigenous Communities With Rejected Voice Referendum

Australia Shirks Responsibility to Indigenous Communities With Rejected Voice Referendum

By Grant Wyeth
Rather than understand the responsibility Australia has for its Indigenous population, both the Liberal and National parties sensed political opportunity in opposing the Voice. 
Australians Vote on a Voice for First Nations Peoples

Australians Vote on a Voice for First Nations Peoples

By Dechlan Brennan
Although the referendum’s suggested change would be small, the campaign against it has grown on the back of misinformation, lies, and a deep well of racism. Supporters are preparing for it to fail.

The Case for Development Diplomacy in a Militarized Pacific

The Case for Development Diplomacy in a Militarized Pacific

By James Chabin
If Australia and the United States genuinely desire a peaceful Pacific, they must be as enthusiastic about international development in the region as about security cooperation.

What Difference Can Australian Development Assistance Make?

What Difference Can Australian Development Assistance Make?

By Grant Wyeth
As a wealthy country in a developing region, Australia can and should do more to assist its regional neighbors in developing. 

Queensland Allows Children to be Imprisoned in Police Watch Houses

Queensland Allows Children to be Imprisoned in Police Watch Houses

By Dechlan Brennan
A new law allows children to be imprisoned in police watch houses, the equivalent of jails in the United States, as youth detention centers overflow. All while the number of youth offenders hits a decade low.
Australian Lawmakers Tinker Around Hague Convention Flaws

Australian Lawmakers Tinker Around Hague Convention Flaws

By Grant Wyeth
With only minor attempts to address the Hague Convention’s flaws, Australia’s rhetoric on seriously addressing domestic abuse rings hollow. 

Coal Companies and the Media Need to Wake up and Smell the Smoke

Coal Companies and the Media Need to Wake up and Smell the Smoke

By Antony Balmain
Record profits for coal companies shouldn’t be reported on without the necessary climate context.
Australia Resumes Use of the Phrase ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’

Australia Resumes Use of the Phrase ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’

By Dechlan Brennan
Internationally, the decision to realign the definition is seen as very uncontroversial. But it does put Australia out of step with the United States.

Is This the Australian Government’s Marshall Plan?

Is This the Australian Government’s Marshall Plan?

By Marc Purcell and Grant Wyeth
The Albanese government announced its new International Development Policy which aims to create the foundations for a peaceful, stable and prosperous Indo-Pacific. 

Australian Senate Committee Recommends Government Ban on TikTok be Extended to WeChat

Australian Senate Committee Recommends Government Ban on TikTok be Extended to WeChat

By Rod McGuirk
The committee found that China and other authoritarian regimes continue to pose an unacceptable risk to democracies through targeted online disinformation campaigns.

Australia Welcomes Lifting of UNESCO Threat to List Great Barrier Reef as World Heritage in Danger

Australia Welcomes Lifting of UNESCO Threat to List Great Barrier Reef as World Heritage in Danger

By Rod McGuirk
There are fears that a World Heritage in-danger listing would damage a tourism industry that revolves around the reef and employs more than 64,000 people.
Can China Deliver What Solomon Islands Wants?

Can China Deliver What Solomon Islands Wants?

By Dechlan Brennan
As Honiara denies its new security pact with China poses a threat to the Pacific, it would behoove the West to consider what it is the Solomons want and need from their partners.

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