
Cambodia coronavirus

China Isn’t the Only Reason for Cambodia’s Vaccination Success

China Isn’t the Only Reason for Cambodia’s Vaccination Success

By David Hutt
More than good relations with China, Cambodia’s vaccination success comes down to effective and responsive government actions in a moment of crisis.

Cambodia and Its ‘Dictator’ Struggle With the Pandemic

Cambodia and Its ‘Dictator’ Struggle With the Pandemic

By Luke Hunt
The WHO issues “dire warning” ahead of Khmer New Year.
Will Cambodia’s Shift in Focus to Small-Scale Farming Work?

Will Cambodia’s Shift in Focus to Small-Scale Farming Work?

By Len Ang
Is the COVID-motivated shift enough to support all the laid-off garment industry workers? Who will really benefit?

Cambodia – With a Little Help – Charts Its Own COVID Course

Cambodia – With a Little Help – Charts Its Own COVID Course

By Luke Hunt
Flights from Indonesia and Malaysia were cancelled as confirmed cases from abroad spiked.

Who’s Helping Cambodia Weather COVID-19?

Who’s Helping Cambodia Weather COVID-19?

By Kimkong Heng and Len Ang
In explaining Cambodia’s relative COVID-19 success, it is vital to acknowledge the foreign aid and local donations that have poured in.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Cambodians Reclaim Angkor Wat as Global Lockdowns Continue to Bite

Cambodians Reclaim Angkor Wat as Global Lockdowns Continue to Bite

By Luke Hunt
At Cambodia's crown jewel, there's “not a single selfie stick in sight” as tourists evaporate amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cambodia’s Lost Digital Opportunity in the COVID-19 Fight

Cambodia’s Lost Digital Opportunity in the COVID-19 Fight

By Marc Pinol
New restrictions on online speech will be counterproductive for the coronavirus response – and damaging for the country in the long term.
Cambodia’s COVID-19 Response in the Headlines with New State of Emergency

Cambodia’s COVID-19 Response in the Headlines with New State of Emergency

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the passing of the legislation that had generated controversy since it had begun to be floated.

Does Cambodia’s Coronavirus Bailout Really Add Up?

Does Cambodia’s Coronavirus Bailout Really Add Up?

By David Hutt
The proposed solution deserves scrutiny.

Hun Sen’s Political Gamble: The Coronavirus Epidemic

Hun Sen’s Political Gamble: The Coronavirus Epidemic

By Sopagna Heng
Hun Sen is playing a high-stakes political game by downplaying fear of the coronavirus. Will his strategy pay off?

China and Cambodia: Love in the Time of Coronavirus

China and Cambodia: Love in the Time of Coronavirus

By Shannon Tiezzi
Hun Sen's “special visit” to China was a high-profile show of support for Beijing's handling of the outbreak.
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