
Central Asia Human Rights

What Do Central Asia’s Activists Think of the New US Relationship With Their Region?

What Do Central Asia’s Activists Think of the New US Relationship With Their Region?

By Matthew Schaaf
Washington’s current approach sidesteps human rights concerns. Central Asia’s rights defenders and civic activists have suggestions to fix that.

The Tyranny of Fear in Tajikistan

The Tyranny of Fear in Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
“Every arrest, case of torture, extrajudicial killing and kidnapping sends a signal to journalists, activists, community leaders and lawyers about the cost of challenging the regime.”
UN Working Group Calls for Release of Uzbek Blogger Sattoriy 

UN Working Group Calls for Release of Uzbek Blogger Sattoriy 

By Catherine Putz
The U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention says Otabek Sattoriy’s 2021 detention is arbitrary under international law.

The International Community Must Put a Spotlight on Tajikistan’s Human Rights Record

The International Community Must Put a Spotlight on Tajikistan’s Human Rights Record

By Scott Martin
Silencing opposition figures, independent voices, and those defending the detained -- a spotlight must be shone on the Tajik government’s human rights record.

Fighting for Tajikistan’s Jailed Lawyers

Fighting for Tajikistan’s Jailed Lawyers

By Marc Gottridge
On January 24, 2019, Tajik lawyer Buzurgmehr Yorov will have been in prison for 1,215 days for simply doing his job.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Next Chapter in Uzbekistan’s Opening

The Next Chapter in Uzbekistan’s Opening

By Catherine Putz
Human Rights Watch and the BBC’s Uzbek service are getting access to the country again.

Forced Labor Continues in World Bank Project Areas in Uzbekistan

Forced Labor Continues in World Bank Project Areas in Uzbekistan

By Catherine Putz
In a new report, Human Rights Watch says the World Bank's Uzbekistan projects are tainted with forced labor.
Does the UN Care About Human Rights in Central Asia?

Does the UN Care About Human Rights in Central Asia?

By Cholpon Orozobekova
UN Secretary Antonio Guterres is on a regional tour and seems to be avoiding the subject.

No Justice for Lawyers in Tajikistan

No Justice for Lawyers in Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
New report, same old story: Dushanbe's crackdown on lawyers continues.

New Report Shines a Light on the Global Shadow of Uzbekistani Surveillance

New Report Shines a Light on the Global Shadow of Uzbekistani Surveillance

By Catherine Putz
“If we call our relatives, friends and families, everything will be heard, we know that."

Tajik Authorities Seek Long Prison Terms for IRPT Lawyers

Tajik Authorities Seek Long Prison Terms for IRPT Lawyers

By Catherine Putz
Meanwhile, in Geneva Tajikistan's human rights record will be up for discussion.
In Tajikistan, Persecution Is a Family Affair

In Tajikistan, Persecution Is a Family Affair

By Catherine Putz
Dushanbe continues to pursue its opponents, targeting their lawyers and families now that the core IRPT is in jail.

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