

Ukrainian Drones Hit Kazakhstan’s Main Oil Export Outlet in Russia

Ukrainian Drones Hit Kazakhstan’s Main Oil Export Outlet in Russia

By Paolo Sorbello
UAVs damaged a pumping station of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium.
Chevron Exits Myanmar After Finalizing Sale of Yadana Stake

Chevron Exits Myanmar After Finalizing Sale of Yadana Stake

By Sebastian Strangio
The U.S. oil major has announced the sale of its 41.1 percent interest in the Yadana offshore gas field to Canada's MTI.

Pulling the Plug in Myanmar

Pulling the Plug in Myanmar

By Sribala Subramanian
A coup and an energy transition break up two longstanding partnerships in the country’s oil and gas sector.

Western Oil Majors Announce Withdrawal From Crisis-Hit Myanmar

Western Oil Majors Announce Withdrawal From Crisis-Hit Myanmar

By Sebastian Strangio
The move could suggest the impending imposition of economic sanctions on the country's state oil and gas enterprise.

Total, Chevron Suspend Dividends to Myanmar Oil and Gas Firm

Total, Chevron Suspend Dividends to Myanmar Oil and Gas Firm

By Sebastian Strangio
The move comes amid growing pressure for foreign firms to cut their ties to the military government.
COVID-19 Cases at Kazakhstan’s Tengiz Oil Field Top 1,000

COVID-19 Cases at Kazakhstan’s Tengiz Oil Field Top 1,000

By Catherine Putz
Two-thirds of the field’s workforce were sent home late last month, but it continues to grow as a virus hotspot.

Jobs at Stake in Kazakhstan’s Energy Sector

Jobs at Stake in Kazakhstan’s Energy Sector

By Paolo Sorbello
A drop in Brent oil prices and the emergence of cases of COVID-19 at the Tengiz field are poised to slash investment and hammer employment.
Kazakhstan Hopes to Net Greater Energy Profits with Karachaganak Agreement

Kazakhstan Hopes to Net Greater Energy Profits with Karachaganak Agreement

By Catherine Putz
The deal will see Kazakhstan receive a $1.1 billion payment and an amended production-sharing agreement.

Chevron and Kazakhstan Hail $36.8 Billion Tengiz Expansion

Chevron and Kazakhstan Hail $36.8 Billion Tengiz Expansion

By Catherine Putz
The investment looks to capitalize on lower costs and bet on future demand.

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