China-France relations

Parsing Asia Policy for France’s Radical Parties
By Valérie Niquet
If the National Rally or New Popular Front win in the upcoming polls, how will France’s approach to Asia – and particularly China – change?

Xi Jinping’s Visit to Europe Tests Transatlantic, EU Cohesion on China Policy
By Valbona Zeneli
Xi’s selected destinations in Europe – France, Serbia, and Hungary – carry a strong narrative significance.

Xi Jinping Visit Gives France’s Macron Chance to Raise China’s Uyghur ‘Genocide’
By David Whitehouse
A leading Uyghur diaspora activist says that Paris should adopt robust sanctions such as those adopted in the United States in recent years.

Xi in France: What Is There to Celebrate?
By Valerie Niquet
The challenge for Paris will be to try to give meaning to a visit that ultimately doesn’t have much to offer.

Xi Jinping to Visit Europe for First Time in 5 Years
By Shannon Tiezzi
The world – and China-EU relations in particular – look quite different today than they did in 2019.

China’s New Approach to Europe
By Brian Wong
Beijing’s effusive reception of French President Macron reveals the underpinnings of its Europe strategy.

Nuclear Energy Has Become One of the Priorities in China-France Cooperation
By Dingding Chen and Yingfan Chen
President Macron’s visit to China sought to balance between power competition and cooperation to solve global challenges. Nuclear energy is one such opportunity for cooperation.

Europe Goes to China, Seeking Recalibration Amid Challenges
By Duncan Bartlett
French President Emmanuel Macron and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are the latest European arrivals in Beijing. Their views on China are similar, but not in complete alignment.

European Leaders Fret Over Their ‘Value-Led’ Approach to China
By Duncan Bartlett
The recent visits to Beijing of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and European Council President Charles Michel reflected the ongoing attempt to calibrate Europe’s China policy.

French Polynesia Has Its Own China Dream
By Paco Milhiet
The French overseas territory seeks to maintain strong relations with China, while Paris is more wary.

How Europe’s Big 3 Are Shifting on China
By Philippe Le Corre and John Ferguson
As the U.K. leads and France follows, the world now awaits a verdict from Germany on Huawei, Hong Kong, and more.

Are China-France Relations in Trouble?
By Eleanor Albert
Even as the two celebrate cultural ties, political and economic tensions remain in the foreground.
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