China in World War II

What World War II Narratives Reveal About China-Russia Relations
By Vincent K.L. Chang and Eric Siyi Zhang
Despite efforts by Beijing and Moscow to align their official memories of the war for strategic ends, a large-scale analysis of state media coverage shows that any convergence is one-sided and shallow.

Shifting World War II Memory in East Asia Signals Newly Emerging Global Alliances
By Vincent K. L. Chang
With tensions rising in the Indo-Pacific, Beijing’s new triumphalism takes aim at one-time ally U.S., while Washington and its regional partners embrace former foe Japan’s historical revisionism.

Bob Dole and a Lost Era of China-US Cooperation
By Chi Wang
Like the late Senator Dole, the Greatest Generation had a unique memory of World War II-era alliance between the U.S. and China.

Why FDR Embraced China as a Great Power
By Keikichi Takahashi
Franklin Roosevelt sought to boost China’s global stature, provided it could meet three conditions. How does modern China measure up to that standard?

China Is Signaling Its Desire to Improve Relations With the US. Is Anyone Listening?
By Aries Li
Chinese officials’ World War II commemorations hold an important message for the modern day China-U.S. relationship.

A Reminder of the Chinese Contribution on D-Day
By Bonnie Girard
Huang Tingxin was given the French Legion of Honor for his service during the Allied campaign.

Going to ‘War’ Against Coronavirus
By Paul Kreitman
Lessons in home front mobilization from war-time East Asia.
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