China-Italy relations
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Is Italy’s Economic Crisis an Opportunity for China?
By Valbona Zeneli and Michele Capriati
As Italy reels, Chinese companies might sense an opportunity to buy up more Italian brands on the cheap.

China, Italy, and Coronavirus: Geopolitics and Propaganda
By Theresa Fallon
In Italy, China is no longer thought of as the origin of COVID-19, but as a friend in a time of dire need.

COVID-19 Hits Italy: A Test for China Ties
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Giuseppe Gabusi

China-Italy Relations: The BRI Effect
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Romeo Orlandi.

Italy Signs on to Belt and Road Initiative: EU-China Relations at Crossroads?
By Valbona Zeneli
This is a decisive moment for Europe, as it responds (for the first time) to Beijing’s industrial and commercial policies.

Xi Jinping in Europe: A Tale of 2 Countries
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi’s receptions in Italy and France were markedly different. So were the benefits for the hosts – but not in the way you’d expect.

China’s Bid for the Heart and Soul of Italy
By Duncan Bartlett
Italy has officially joined China’s Belt and Road. But at home and abroad, not everyone is happy with the move.

The Old Silk Road to Rome Gets New Life
By Kyle Anderson and Logan Pauley
Don't overlook the historical underpinnings of the modern day China-Italy connection.

Italy’s Risky China Gamble
By Philippe Le Corre and Carlotta Alfonsi
For all the overtures to China that Rome is making, Italy has not yet settled on what kind of relationship it actually wants.

France, Italy, and China's 'Belt and Road' Initiative
By Sebastien Goulard
European states remained focused on bilateral ties with China, but the 'Belt and Road' must be multilateral to succeed.

Premier Li Keqiang’s Recession Tour
By Sara Hsu
China’s premier has sought to bolster economies ties with some of Europe’s largest economies.
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