
China-Japan Relations

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The China-Japan Infrastructure Nexus: Competition or Collaboration?

The China-Japan Infrastructure Nexus: Competition or Collaboration?

By Ravi Prasad
Can China and Japan cooperate in building Southeast Asia's much-needed infrastructure?
Japan's Foreign Policy Balancing Act

Japan's Foreign Policy Balancing Act

By Daniel Hurst
This year's Diplomacy Bluebook shows Japan scrambling to square long-held positions with rapid changes in the region.

China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral (Finally) Meets Again

China-Japan-South Korea Trilateral (Finally) Meets Again

By Daniel Hurst
After a two-year hiatus, the once-annual forum reconvenes amid rapid developments on the Korean Peninsula.

East China Sea: Japan Coast Guard Warns Chinese Survey Ship in Exclusive Economic Zone

East China Sea: Japan Coast Guard Warns Chinese Survey Ship in Exclusive Economic Zone

By Ankit Panda
The incident comes as Japan and China agreed to expedite talks on a East China Sea air and sea communication mechanism.

China-Japan Reset Continues With High-Level Economic Talks

China-Japan Reset Continues With High-Level Economic Talks

By Daniel Hurst
The two sides hope finding common ground on economic issues can help continue a thaw in relations.
Japan’s Belt and Road Puzzle, Decoded

Japan’s Belt and Road Puzzle, Decoded

By Titli Basu
Japan's support for the Belt and Road is contingent on shaping China into a responsible global player.

Taro Kono’s China Visit Paves the Way for a China-Japan-South Korea Summit

Taro Kono’s China Visit Paves the Way for a China-Japan-South Korea Summit

By Charlotte Gao
Amid Japanese foreign minister’s visit, China and Japan agreed to hold a new round of the trilateral summit.
Iranian Oil Tanker Disaster Highlights Northeast Asia's Faultlines

Iranian Oil Tanker Disaster Highlights Northeast Asia's Faultlines

By Tom Corben
Without substantial revisions to multilateral regimes, the Sanchi environmental crisis will not be the last of its kind.

Abe Vows to Achieve Major Improvement in Sino-Japan Relations in 2018

Abe Vows to Achieve Major Improvement in Sino-Japan Relations in 2018

By Charlotte Gao
This year marks the 40th anniversary of a peace and friendship treaty between China and Japan.

4 China Coast Guard Vessels Enter Japan-Administered Waters Near Disputed East China Sea Islands

4 China Coast Guard Vessels Enter Japan-Administered Waters Near Disputed East China Sea Islands

By Ankit Panda
The incident is the first of its kind in 2018.

Japan, China, and the Strains of Historical Memory

Japan, China, and the Strains of Historical Memory

By Joe Renouard
80 years after the Nanjing Massacre, historical issues continue to haunt China-Japan relations.
Joining the Quad: Fear Versus Greed

Joining the Quad: Fear Versus Greed

By Mark J. Valencia
The United States may not like the result of forcing countries to make a choice between it and China.

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