China military parade

What Is Beijing Doing to Prepare for the Military Parade?
By Shannon Tiezzi
From subway shut-downs to trained monkeys, the city is doing everything to make sure the parade is flawless.

China Has Its Own Problems With History
By Randall Schriver
Beijing's treatment of history should be scrutinized as well.
Revealed: China for the First Time Publicly Displays ‘Guam Killer’ Missile
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In preparation for a military parade, Beijing has for the first time openly revealed one of its deadliest missiles.

China Denies Sending Additional Troops to North Korean Border
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, a bullish view on China's economy and Taiwan snubbing China's military parade. Friday China links.
Abe Won’t Be There for China’s War Commemorative Parade, But Murayama Will Be
By Ankit Panda
Tomiichi Murayama, the Japanese prime minister who set the benchmark for apology, will be in Beijing on September 3.

30 Heads of State Will Watch China’s Military Parade Next Week
By Shannon Tiezzi
Countries in Africa, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe will be well-represented. Not so much Western Europe and the U.S.

China to Showcase Never-Before-Seen Weapons and Equipment in Military Parade
By Shannon Tiezzi
China will display never-before-seen indigenous tech from all branches of its military.

Confirmed: South Korea's President Will Attend China's WW2 Anniversary Celebrations
By Shannon Tiezzi

What Countries Will March in China's WW2 Anniversary Military Parade?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Foreign troops have already started arriving in Beijing for the September 3 parade.

China's WW2 Remembrance: 'Patriotic Education' in Action
By Alexandre Dor
China’s WW2 remembrances are but the latest instance of a ‘new’ Chinese Nationalism created by the CCP.

Will South Korea's President Attend China's WW2 Anniversary Parade?
By Jin Kai
Once again, South Korea's "middle power" strategy is tested by conflicting pulls from China and the United States.

China's WW2 Military Parade to Include Russia, Mongolia - and Taiwan
By Shannon Tiezzi
China divulged new details about its September 3 military parade this week.