
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

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India Lacks a Competitive Trade Strategy for Chabahar

India Lacks a Competitive Trade Strategy for Chabahar

By Ali Malik
India needs a sound economic and political strategy to maximize the benefits it receives from Chabahar.
Will Trump's Lash-Out Against Pakistan Succeed Where Other US Presidents Failed?

Will Trump's Lash-Out Against Pakistan Succeed Where Other US Presidents Failed?

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
Is Donald Trump the U.S. president to get Pakistan to do the United States' bidding? Probably not.

What Pakistan's Decision to Pull Out of a Mega Dam Project Tells Us About the Future of CPEC

What Pakistan's Decision to Pull Out of a Mega Dam Project Tells Us About the Future of CPEC

By Umair Jamal
There's much more to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor than the rosy headlines touting friendship between Islamabad and Beijing.

Trump’s Tweet Further Strengthens China-Pakistan Ties

Trump’s Tweet Further Strengthens China-Pakistan Ties

By Charlotte Gao
While the U.S. plans to cut security assistance for Pakistan, Pakistan adopts the Chinese yuan as a currency for trade. 

China Brings Afghanistan and Pakistan Together to Discuss Regional Issues, But Divergences Remain

China Brings Afghanistan and Pakistan Together to Discuss Regional Issues, But Divergences Remain

By Harsh V. Pant
Despite Chinese attempts at mediation, differences between Kabul and Islamabad persist.
What’s in the New Pakistan Naval Voyage to the Philippines?

What’s in the New Pakistan Naval Voyage to the Philippines?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the interaction within the broader context of ties.

China Pressuring Pakistan on Terrorism?

China Pressuring Pakistan on Terrorism?

By Arushi Kumar
Is China's tone on Pakistan starting to change?
Sharif's Ouster Won't Impact CPEC

Sharif's Ouster Won't Impact CPEC

By Ahmad Rashid Malik
There's no civil-military divide in Pakistan when it comes to the Chinese megaproject.

India-China Doklam Standoff: A Chinese Perspective

India-China Doklam Standoff: A Chinese Perspective

By Liu Lin
The reasons for the outbreak of tensions are complex, and things could get worse before they could get better.

Iran-Pakistan at the Crossroads?

Iran-Pakistan at the Crossroads?

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
A tradition of cooperation is giving way to a much more complicated relationship

India and Pakistan Join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization At Last. So What?

India and Pakistan Join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization At Last. So What?

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
What are the costs and benefits of having India and Pakistan in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?
Can China Help Mediate Between Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Can China Help Mediate Between Afghanistan and Pakistan?

By Catherine Putz
There's ample room for cynicism, but Beijing may just be able to pull Pakistan back to the table.

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