China pollution

South Koreans Have the World’s Most Negative Views of China. Why?
By Richard Q. Turcsanyi and Esther E. Song
The explanation goes well beyond the oft-mentioned THAAD dispute.

Why China Still Isn't Winning its War on Pollution
By Grace Guo
Despite some ongoing efforts, much more work remains to be done in order for meaningful change to occur.

Getting Energy Right in US China Policy
By Ashley Feng and Sagatom Saha
The U.S. energy sector will be central to any economic compromise or confrontation between Washington and Beijing.

China Cleans up Its Act on Environmental Enforcement
By Peter Corne and Johnny Browaeys
China's latest environmental crackdown actually has teeth – and it's not ending any time soon.

China’s Effective Greens and Gaps in Climate Activism
By Fengshi Wu
The pragmatic approach preferred by environmental activists is put to the test by the crisis of climate change.

Xiongan: A New City for the Xi Jinping Era
By George G. Chen
Why Xiongan is the antithesis of Shenzhen.

Going to Beijing? Be Ready to 'Eat Sand.'
By DD Wu
Beijing’s air pollution level reached "beyond index" as a large sandstorm swept over.

A Closer Look at China’s 1,000-Year Project: Xiongan New Area
By DD Wu
Xi Jinping aims to make Xiongan New Area on par with Shanghai, but a pollution scandal has set off alarm bells.

Factories Shut Down, Cars Stopped as China Struggles With Smog
By Cal Wong
Beijing issues a red alert warning on pollution.

The Trouble With China’s War on Pollution
By Chris Zhang
Enforcement remains a major problem.

Who Is to Blame for Northeast Asia’s Transboundary Air Pollution Problem?
By Matthew Shapiro
Simply pointing the finger at China won't relieve the smog impacting Korea.

Interview: Anja Manuel
By Shannon Tiezzi
How China and India will shape the world.
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