
Chinese censorship

To Hold China Accountable for Delayed COVID-19 Action, Target the ‘Great Firewall’

To Hold China Accountable for Delayed COVID-19 Action, Target the ‘Great Firewall’

By Michael Sobolik
Washington must address the root causes of China’s propensity to obscure the origins of the new coronavirus

Animal Crossing  Pulled From Chinese E-commerce Platforms

Animal Crossing Pulled From Chinese E-commerce Platforms

By Layne Vandenberg
China has unofficially banned the popular video game to continue to suppress online forms of protest amid COVID-19 isolation.
Beyond Tech Transfer: The Challenge of Chinese Tech Expanding Abroad

Beyond Tech Transfer: The Challenge of Chinese Tech Expanding Abroad

By Grzegorz Stec
A focus on Chinese investment overlooks the potential dangers of China's homegrown technology.

White House Slams China's 'Orwellian Nonsense' on Civil Aviation Terminology Guidance

White House Slams China's 'Orwellian Nonsense' on Civil Aviation Terminology Guidance

By Ankit Panda
The Trump administration has issued a strong rebuke of what it called “Chinese political correctness.”

Chinese Censorship Moves Into the American Workplace

Chinese Censorship Moves Into the American Workplace

By Bonnie Girard
Generations of censorship have not necessarily created a hunger for freedom of information and expression in China.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Party’s ‘Hurdles’: the Internet, Propaganda, and Power

The Party’s ‘Hurdles’: the Internet, Propaganda, and Power

By Elsa B. Kania
The Internet clearly has changed China, and the CCP is actively seeking to change the Internet.

Farewell VPNs & Independent Multimedia Content: China Vows to Clear Network Space

Farewell VPNs & Independent Multimedia Content: China Vows to Clear Network Space

By DD Wu
More and more providers of independent audio and video news contents as well as VPN services are shut down.
Securing Cyberspace: China Leading the Way in Cyber Sovereignty

Securing Cyberspace: China Leading the Way in Cyber Sovereignty

By Paul R. Burgman, Jr.
The recent leaks of China’s elites’ personal information will harden Beijing’s stance on cyber sovereignty.

The Long Arm of Chinese Censorship Reaches South Korea

The Long Arm of Chinese Censorship Reaches South Korea

By Sarah Cook
A performance in Seoul is cancelled after threats from Beijing.

China's Wanda Group Purchases Hollywood Film Studio

China's Wanda Group Purchases Hollywood Film Studio

By Shannon Tiezzi
Jurassic World 2 will be brought to you by China: Wanda Group acquires Legendary Entertainment.

Resisting Beijing’s Global Media Influence

Resisting Beijing’s Global Media Influence

By Sarah Cook
There is an ongoing Chinese government campaign to promote its views and suppress criticism around the world.
No China Release for A Touch of Sin, Director Banned from Award Ceremony

No China Release for A Touch of Sin, Director Banned from Award Ceremony

Jia Zhangke’s controversial film has received global praise, but domestic cinephiles may never see it.

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