Cold War

Is America Ready for the New Cold War?
By Monish Tourangbam and Arushi Singh
The U.S. faces a crisis of leadership at home and grapples with a perception problem abroad.

The Hereditary Dictatorships of North Korea, Cambodia Have Shared Soviet Roots
By David Whitehouse
Both nations traveled a similar path from Soviet patronage to personalist autocracy.

What Vietnam Needs from America: Lessons from a Past Alliance
By Khang Vu
What Hanoi needs from its relationship with Washington depends overwhelmingly on the state of China-Vietnam relations.

Using Tourism for Insights into North Korea
By ISOZAKI Atsuhito
The resumption of inbound tourism is a barometer of the situation in the hermit kingdom.

Thailand’s Vanishing Regional Leadership
By Tita Sanglee
During the Cold War, the country played a central role in regional diplomacy, but in recent years its activism has waned.

How Does China View the Notion of a New ‘Cold War’?
By Ankit Panda
As U.S.-China relations fray, how does Beijing assess the situation?

As US-China Competition Grows, Will Covert Regime Change Make a Return?
By Michael Poznansky and Mindy Haas
Many of the same incentives that pushed leaders into the covert sphere during the Cold War are present in the U.S.-China context.

Can China Be Compelled Into Arms Control?
By Robert Farley
There is little reason to believe that Chinese leaders will see incentives to enter arms control arrangements anytime soon.

Why China’s Technology Theft Poses a Bigger Challenge Than That of the Soviet Union
By Robert Farley
China can better incorporate what it takes to “catch up.”

Toward a US-China ‘Steady State’: Assets, Liabilities, and Great Power Competition
By Ankit Panda
Can the United States and China find terms on which to coexist in the 21st century?

What George Marshall Learned From His Time in China
By Robert Farley
Marshall couldn’t stop the Chinese Civil War, but what did he learn?

Is Democracy Still Relevant to the US-India Relationship?
By Raymond E. Vickery, Jr.
The United States and India should reaffirm democracy as a driving consideration in the conduct of their foreign relations and choice of strategic partners.
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