corruption in Central Asia

Plane Crash in Kyrgyzstan May Have Uncovered a Smuggling Scheme
By Catherine Putz
The January 16 crash at Manas may have blown back the cover of a smuggling operation.

Engines and Oil: Rolls-Royce Paid Bribes to Bring Its Business to Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
This week Rolls-Royce agreed to pay $800 million to settle corruption investigations in the U.S., UK, and Brazil.

Bribes, Bad MPs, and Whistleblowers: Analyzing Public Perceptions of Corruption in Eurasia
By Catherine Putz
A new report details public perceptions and experiences with corruption.

Karimova’s Irish Connection
By Casey Michel
If high-level talks fail, the US is poised to seize $114 million held in Irish bank accounts.

The Duke of York and the Kazakh Oligarch
By Casey Michel
New details on Prince Andrew's dealings with the Kazakh elite further underscore London’s relationship with Astana.

Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and the ‘Bribe-Factory’
By Casey Michel
The “biggest leak of confidential files in the history of the oil industry" exposed Unaoil's slippery backroom machinations.

US Wants Gulnara to Give Back $550 Million in Corruption Proceeds
By Casey Michel
“Government Official A” named in massive corruption case is no longer anonymous.

Who Really Owns Tajikistan's Talco? Norway Wants to Know
By Catherine Putz
Not all that glitters is corruption-free: A Caribbean tax haven, a Norwegian company and a Tajik aluminium plant.

Telecom Giant Nears Settlements on Massive Uzbek Corruption Probe
By Catherine Putz
VimpelCom says that it would “acknowledge certain violations” if the settlements are finalized.

Why Is a Kazakh Bank Suing a New York Developer?
By Casey Michel
Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank and the city of Almaty are suing a New York real estate developer, claiming he helped launder money.

Why is TeliaSonera Leaving the Eurasian Telecom Market?
By Catherine Putz
Business in Eurasia proved to be neither easy nor clean.

Waiting for Godot in Turkmenistan
By Catherine Putz
A train from Bishkek to Moscow, and other links.