Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (DVK)

Human Rights Watch Report Highlights Unjustified ‘Financing Terrorism’ Restrictions in Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
Any conviction under Kazakhstan’s broad extremism statutes lands an individual on the Financing Terrorism List – even if their alleged crime was merely supporting an opposition political party.

Kazakh Journalist Sentenced to 7 Years for Ablyazov Interview
By Catherine Putz
Duman Mukhammedkarim was accused of financing an extremist group and participating in a banned group's activities for sharing an interview he’d conducted with Mukhtar Ablyazov.

Kazakhstan Still Has a Protest Problem
By Catherine Putz
The Kazakh state still has the final say in who is allowed to engage in public demonstrations.

Kazakhstan’s Authorities Backtrack on Freedom of Assembly
By Paolo Sorbello
Around 80 activists were arrested on March 1 in Almaty in connection to an unsanctioned rally in memory of an activist who died in jail.

Arrests at Rallies as Kazakhstan Contemplates New Protest Law
By Catherine Putz
As many as 200 were arrested for attending a pair of unsanctioned rallies. Meanwhile, a proposed law promises more of the same.

Is Kazakhstan Nipping Opposition in the Bud?
By Catherine Putz
Arrests and arson delay Kazakh opposition groups from gathering.

Kazakhstan’s Authorities Draw a Line During Independence Day Protests
By Paolo Sorbello
The goalposts keep moving as President Tokayev promised reforms that would make it easier for political and civic activists to plan rallies.

Kazakhstan's Ever-Shrinking Political Arena
By Catherine Putz
Kazakhstan’s political arena has little room for new parties or old foes.

Even the Ghost of a Possible Protest Spooks Kazakhstan
By Catherine Putz
Mukhtar Ablyazov's efforts to orchestrate protests from abroad have had feeble results. But Kazakh authorities are taking no chances.

Ablyazov's Balloons: Kazakh Opposition Co-opts the Color Blue
By Catherine Putz
International fugitive and Kazakh opposition star Mukhtar Ablyazov urged supporters to carry blue balloons during the Nowruz holiday.
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