Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands

US, Japan Conduct Military Exercise Near Senkakus
By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. B-1B bombers and Japanese fighters participated in a joint air drill in the vicinity of the Senkaku islands on August 15.

Bolstering the U.S. Commitment to the Senkaku Islands
By Tetsuo Kotani
China is seeking to create ambiguity over Japanese administration. The U.S. should not let it succeed.

China's Maritime Great Wall in the South and East China Seas
By Samir Tata
China is building a maritime cordon sanitaire.

Japan Approves Modest Defense Budget Hike
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The defense budget approved by Japan’s cabinet will see a moderate 1.4 percent increase from the previous year.

Japan to Receive 4 New V-22 Osprey Aircraft
By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. defense contractor Boeing has been awarded a $545 million contract for the delivery of 4 V-22 aircraft to Japan.

China Has Much to Gain From the South China Sea Ruling
By Mark E. Rosen
The decision regarding Itu Aba allows China to challenge excessive EEZs claimed by Japan, the U.S., France, and others.

Japan’s Military to Get New Assault Amphibious Vehicles
By Franz-Stefan Gady
BAE Systems has been awarded a contract to supply 30 Assault Amphibious Vehicles.

Japan Approves Record Defense Budget
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japanese defense spending will increase 1.5 percent during the next fiscal year.

Japan's Military Gets New Rules of Engagement
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The United States and Japan are also working on a new joint action plan for the defense of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

Japan’s Defense Ministry Wants Record Military Budget for 2016
By Franz-Stefan Gady
If approved, the new defense budget would be Tokyo’s largest in 14 years.

Surprise: Japan Sees China as Its Main National Security Threat
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tokyo’s 2015 defense white paper highlights concerns over Beijing’s maritime ambitions in Asia.

China’s Maritime Disputes: Trouble to the South, but the East Stays Quiet
By Andi Zhou
Tensions are rising in the South China Sea — so why is the East China Sea so calm?
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