
Food security

Why Food Security is a Top Priority for China

Why Food Security is a Top Priority for China

By Genevieve Donnellon-May
As the world’s largest food producer and importer, changes in China’s domestic food production and agricultural trade policies may have a significant impact on global trade flows.
India’s G20 Leadership Will Require a Delicate Balancing of Priorities Among Member States

India’s G20 Leadership Will Require a Delicate Balancing of Priorities Among Member States

By Harshana Ghoorhoo
Shaping the multilateral agenda amidst varied national interests will be an important diplomatic test for India. 

Kazakhstan Imposes Quota on Wheat Exports

Kazakhstan Imposes Quota on Wheat Exports

By Catherine Putz
Regional integration is often touted as a logical solution to problems like food insecurity, but it won’t necessarily solve a region-wide problem.

Addressing the Southeast Asian Food Security Vulnerabilities Exposed by COVID-19

Addressing the Southeast Asian Food Security Vulnerabilities Exposed by COVID-19

By Mark S. Cogan and Paul D. Scott
The pandemic has highlighted just how precarious the region's food supplies are.

UN: Pandemic, Surging Food Prices Leave Many in Asia Hungry

UN: Pandemic, Surging Food Prices Leave Many in Asia Hungry

By Associated Press
Across Asia, high prices for fruits, vegetables, and dairy products have made it "nearly impossible" for low income families to have healthy diets.
China, Food Security and Geopolitics

China, Food Security and Geopolitics

By Scott B. MacDonald
History suggests the CCP should be concerned.

Swarms of Desert Locusts Threaten India’s Summer Crops

Swarms of Desert Locusts Threaten India’s Summer Crops

By Associated Press
The locusts threaten food security in India.
Climate Change and South Asia’s Pending Food Crisis

Climate Change and South Asia’s Pending Food Crisis

By Rabiya Jaffery
Are South Asian governments adapting to climate change’s impact on agriculture in the region?

Climate Change and Food Security in Nepal: Why the Developed World Must Step Up

Climate Change and Food Security in Nepal: Why the Developed World Must Step Up

By Sumesh Shiwakoty       
The developed world must show moral leadership in assisting Nepal.

China’s New Silk Road Could Expand Asia’s Deserts

China’s New Silk Road Could Expand Asia’s Deserts

By Liu Qin
Desertification, soil degradation, and drought are serious issues in most of the countries along the Belt and Road.

China’s Global Food Quest

China’s Global Food Quest

By Zhang Hongzhou
ChemChina’s $43 billion acquisition of Swiss-based Syngenta could be a game-changer for food production.

The Nutritional Security Imperative

By Peter Brabeck-Letmathe and Asit K. Biswas
Global food security can be achieved in the coming years, but equally important nutritional security needs attention.

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