Global Witness

Environmentalists Under Attack in the Philippines
By Mong Palatino
According to a new report by the watchdog Global Witness, the country remains the most dangerous place in Asia to be an environmental activist.

What’s the Real Cost of Papua New Guinea’s Palm Oil?
By Joshua Mcdonald
A new report claims that palm oil executives in PNG have bribed officials, paid police to brutalize villagers, used child labor, and participated in an apparent tax evasion scheme.

How Rich Are Cambodia’s Hun Sen and His Family?
By Luke Hunt
A new report reveals specifics about the leader and his family's net worth.

Is Modern History's Biggest Natural Resource Heist in Myanmar?
By Luke Hunt
An important report by an environmental watchdog sheds new light on the country's massive illegal gem industry.

Kazakhstan and Shady London Real Estate Deals
By Paolo Sorbello
A Global Witness report traces some high-end property deals to the Kazakhstan elite.

The Extraordinary Tales of Central Asia’s Princelings
By Casey Michel
A new report alleges corruption on an impressively grand scale.

Burmese Leaders Outed by Global Witness Over Alleged Land Grabs
By Luke Hunt
A new report reveals the extent of land grabbing in Myanmar, especially along the border with China.

Credit Suisse Invests Big in Vietnamese Land Grabber
By Luke Hunt
Swiss bank becomes largest international shareholder of HAGL days after Deutsche Bank divests.

Deutsche Bank Divests Stake after Report on Vietnamese Land Grabs
By Luke Hunt
Scathing report by Global Witness likely influenced the bank’s decision to abandon HAGL.

Vietnam Wins Human Rights Seat Despite Tainted Record
NGOs are skeptical about the UN’s odd choices for upcoming Human Rights Council.

Global Witness: IFC and Deutsche Bank Support Vietnamese Land Grabs
A new report reveals corruption in the Indochinese rubber industry.
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