

An Era of Extremes in South Asia: A Crisis of Health, Development, and Policy Planning

An Era of Extremes in South Asia: A Crisis of Health, Development, and Policy Planning

By Ishani Palandurkar
South Asia is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to climate extremes, which bring serious health complications.

The Trouble With Cambodia’s Health System

The Trouble With Cambodia’s Health System

By David Hutt
The poor state of the country’s healthcare system remains a major issue.
Sugary Soda Tax Not Enough to Halt the March of Obesity in Asia

Sugary Soda Tax Not Enough to Halt the March of Obesity in Asia

By Asit K. Biswas and Kris Hartley
Alarmingly, two out of five adults in the Asia-Pacific region are either overweight or obese.

Want to Get Married in Turkmenistan? Don’t Forget Your HIV Test

Want to Get Married in Turkmenistan? Don’t Forget Your HIV Test

By Catherine Putz
A new law--passed during the Month of Health and Sport--mandates HIV testing before obtaining a marriage license.

Chelsea Clinton Joins P&G to Bring Burma 6-Billionth Liter of Clean Water

Chelsea Clinton Joins P&G to Bring Burma 6-Billionth Liter of Clean Water

Chelsea Clinton visited Burma for a landmark clean water donation.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Bangladesh's Ascent Not Without Sacrifices

Bangladesh's Ascent Not Without Sacrifices

Workers in the garment industry demonstrate that, like other countries, Bangladesh’s growing economy comes with its own hardships.

Traffic: Vietnam's Silent Killer

Traffic: Vietnam's Silent Killer

From lax safety standards, ineffective police, and drunk driving, operating a vehicle on the streets of Vietnam is a hazardous enterprise. People are now taking matters into their own hands.

Thailand's Abortion Debate

Thailand's Abortion Debate

How have Thailand’s authorities responded to the discovery of thousands of fetuses at a Bangkok temple?

Kiwi McMarketing

Kiwi McMarketing

Menu items get Weight Watchers’ ok at 150 New Zealand shops. Cause for alarm?

Wine for Tolerance and Grape Coffee for Health?

Muslim fundamentalists should drink wine to become more tolerant, says Roger Vernon Scruton-philosopher and current scholar at the American Enterprise Institute-in Decanter magazine this month.  In the piece, Scruton reminds us of, in his opinio

A Weight Watchers' Toast

Lower your alcohol content and lower your BMI? According to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald, ‘A case of light and easy,’ this notion is the driving force behind a new wine trend amongst the weight-conscious in Australia. According to it, low-

Pomegranate Controversy, Or Lack Thereof

Earlier this year, the pomegranate became the unlikely focus of a controversy surrounding accusations of false advertising in the UK, when a juice company’s advert suggested that the fruit could help consumers ‘cheat death

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