
Erika Fatland on Traveling in the Himalayas
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
“Many of the people in the Himalayas live more isolated now than they did a hundred years ago.”

Study: Himalayan Glaciers Could Lose 80% of Their Volume if Global Warming Isn’t Controlled
By Sibi Arasu
Himalayan glaciers disappeared 65 percent faster since 2010 than in the previous decade. Reduced snow cover due to global warming will result in reduced fresh water for people living downstream.

Glacial Melt is Dispossessing Nepal’s Indigenous Communities
By Tulsi Rauniyar
Shrinking glaciers are forcing residents to flee, leaving a scattering of ghost towns across the country's unforgiving north.

Sinking Joshimath May Submerge India’s Hydropower Ambitions in the Himalayas
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Large-scale land subsidence in the pilgrimage town has prompted widespread resistance to the construction of dams.

India and China, One Year After the Galwan Clash
By Ankit Panda
Are New Delhi and Beijing in a new bilateral era?

India-China Tensions Spike in the Himalayas
By Ankit Panda
Indian and Chinese troops will likely continue to face off for the long-haul this winter in Eastern Ladakh.

Stalemate in the Himalayas: India-China Relations in 2020
By Ankit Panda
The two sides remain mired in a standoff with a final agreement still remote.

Why the ‘Old Normal’ Along the Sino-Indian Border Can No Longer Stand
By Ankit Panda
China’s fait accompli in Eastern Ladakh has disintegrated more than two decades of bilateral mechanisms and understandings.

What’s Behind China’s Expansion of Its Territorial Dispute With Bhutan?
By Ankit Panda
Beijing may be trying to drive a wedge between India and Bhutan.

Why India Needs to Draw the Line With China: The Geopolitics of the Sino-Indian Skirmish
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
India needs to draw the right lessons from the Galwan Valley skirmish.

Fingers, Boots, and Lines: Understanding the 2020 India-China Border Tensions
By Ankit Panda
What’s driving the latest bout of India-China tensions?

China’s Xi Visits Nepal, Elevating Ties to ‘Strategic Partnership of Cooperation’
By Ankit Panda
The visit marked the highest-level China-Nepal interaction in 23 years.
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