Hindu Nationalism

Modi Lays Foundation of Hindu Temple at Razed Mosque Site
By Associated Press
India’s prime minister attended the ground-breaking for a controversial temple built on the site of the demolished 16th century Babri mosque.

Ram Temple and the Triumph of Sangh Parivar
By Avishek Jha
The groundbreaking on the controversial temple is a testament to the Hindu nationalist movement’s total dominance of society and politics in India.

US Religious Freedom Watchdog Highlights ‘Campaigns of Harassment and Violence’ Against Minorities in India
By Ankit Panda
The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom gave India its lowest rating in the annual report for 2020.

Why India’s Ruling Party Is Cultivating the Memory of Deendayal Upadhyaya
By Krzysztof Iwanek
Upadhyaya’s Integral Humanism looms large over today’s BJP.

Delhi’s Displaced Muslims
By Yashraj Sharma
For many Muslims displaced by February’s violence in the Indian capital, solace and stability are remote.

Critics of India’s Modi Government Face Sedition Charges
By Associated Press
Freedom of political expression remains under siege in Modi’s India.

Is the Pakistani Government Really Worried About Indian Muslims?
By Umair Jamal
As India’s Muslims come under siege, will Pakistan’s concern amount to anything more than opportunism?

Death Toll Spikes to 24 From Delhi Riots During Trump Trip
By Associated Press
The violence is the worst in decades in India’s capital.

Did Trump’s India Visit Keep the US-India Relationship on Track?
By Ankit Panda
Trump is the fourth consecutive U.S. president to visit India. Does his visit mark a turning point in the relationship or continuity?

Poll Pitch for India’s Capital Plays Up Growing Divisions
By Associated Press
The election campaign in Delhi is heating up with dog whistle rhetoric.

Jamia Millia Shooting: Making of a Hindutva Terrorist
By Soma Basu
A look at the toxic social media circle inhabited by the young man who shot at a crowd gathered to mark the 72nd anniversary of Gandhi’s assassination.

On the Right Track in India: The BJP’s Ideological Drive Makes Perfect Sense
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The BJP is in the right position and at the right time to push its agenda.