
India media freedom

How to Better Protect Free Speech in Indian Cyberspace

How to Better Protect Free Speech in Indian Cyberspace

By Nupur Chowdhury
Online platforms that operate in India need to be regulated to ensure free and fair elections and protect data privacy and free speech
The Handmaiden of Media Oligarchies in India

The Handmaiden of Media Oligarchies in India

By Vibodh Parthasarathi
An opaque and weak Competition Commission of India risks being seen as a facilitator of media oligarchies in India.

Modi’s Crackdown on Foreign Journalists Is a Problem for the West

Modi’s Crackdown on Foreign Journalists Is a Problem for the West

By Mohamed Zeeshan
By restricting and even evicting foreign journalists, the government is closing an important channel of dialogue and exchange with the West.

How India Uses National Interest as a Smokescreen to Muzzle the Media

How India Uses National Interest as a Smokescreen to Muzzle the Media

By Simran Agarwal
The Indian government is weaponizing “national interest” measures to close down reporting it deems critical of the Modi government.

The Corporate Takeover of India’s Media

The Corporate Takeover of India’s Media

By R Srinivasan
Press freedom in India has been badly hit by the gobbling up of media platforms by a few large companies.
Worsening Press Freedom Undermines G20 Host India’s Credibility

Worsening Press Freedom Undermines G20 Host India’s Credibility

By Beh Lih Yi
India must ensure media freedom if it wants to live up to its reputation as the world’s largest democracy alongside being a global economic powerhouse.

Indian Government Responses to Reports on Journalism in Conflict Zones Reflect Dark Times

Indian Government Responses to Reports on Journalism in Conflict Zones Reflect Dark Times

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The BBC and the Editors’ Guild of India are facing the government’s wrath for criticizing the state of media affairs.
Why Journalists are Opposing India’s Amended IT Rules

Why Journalists are Opposing India’s Amended IT Rules

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The new amendments empower only the government to determine what’s fact and what’s fake.

In India, the State Challenges Independent Media

In India, the State Challenges Independent Media

By Tarushi Aswani
India’s media crackdown goes far beyond the BBC – and it is the country's independent journalists and news houses that are most vulnerable to attack.

Co-Founder of Fact-Checking Website Arrested in India

Co-Founder of Fact-Checking Website Arrested in India

By Sudha Ramachandran
Mohammed Zubair’s work, which was critical of the government and outed peddlers of fake news, seems to have ruffled feathers.

India Introduces New Rules to Regulate Online Content

India Introduces New Rules to Regulate Online Content

By Associated Press
The new regulations would require social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to swiftly erase content authorities deem unlawful.
India’s Not-So-Free Media

India’s Not-So-Free Media

By Aman Madan
India’s once-famed press is devolving into a propaganda apparatus.

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