
Indonesia counterterrorism

Is Indonesia at Risk of Terror Attacks During the Presidential Election?

Is Indonesia at Risk of Terror Attacks During the Presidential Election?

By Aisyah Llewellyn
The country's extremist networks remain extant, but are much less capable of large-scale attacks than they were two decades ago.

Addressing Jemaah Islamiyah’s Infrastructure in Sulawesi

Addressing Jemaah Islamiyah’s Infrastructure in Sulawesi

By Alif Satria
Despite aggressive counterterrorism efforts, Sulawesi still plays an important role for JI as a venue for key fundraising, membership training, and preaching.
Recent Arrest Puts Jemaah Islamiyah Back in the Spotlight

Recent Arrest Puts Jemaah Islamiyah Back in the Spotlight

By Rakyan Adibrata and Jasminder Singh
An arrest last year demonstrates that JI's network has expanded considerably, despite the extremist group's recent period of dormancy.

Indonesia’s Vicious Cycle: Terrorist Convicts Making a Comeback?

Indonesia’s Vicious Cycle: Terrorist Convicts Making a Comeback?

By Andi Raihanah Ashar
Despite the government's deradicalization programs, a small but alarming number of terrorist convicts has reoffended after their release from prison.

Conflict Resolution in Papua and the Label of Terrorism

Conflict Resolution in Papua and the Label of Terrorism

By Vidhyandika Djati Perkasa and Alif Satria
Labeling the West Papua National Army-Free Papua Organization a terrorist outfit complicates future conflict resolution efforts.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Does Indonesia’s Deradicalization Program Work?

Does Indonesia’s Deradicalization Program Work?

By Ulta Levenia and Alban Sciascia
Recent terror acts are raising questions about the efficiency of the rehabilitation program run by the Indonesian National Counter Terrorism Agency (BNPT).

How Indonesia Can Address the Growing Number of Female Extremists

How Indonesia Can Address the Growing Number of Female Extremists

By Amalina Abdul Nasir
Indonesia’s gender-based counterterrorism approach faces several challenges.
Air Force Exercise Highlights Indonesia-Singapore Defense Ties

Air Force Exercise Highlights Indonesia-Singapore Defense Ties

By Prashanth Parameswaran
This year’s iteration of Exercise Elang Indopura spotlighted the trajectory of defense relations between the two sides.

Jemaah Islamiyah: Still Southeast Asia’s Greatest Terrorist Threat

Jemaah Islamiyah: Still Southeast Asia’s Greatest Terrorist Threat

By Bilveer Singh
JI, which remains a potent force, is benefitting from a narrow focus on Islamic State.

What’s Next for US-Indonesia Defense Relations Under Trump?

What’s Next for US-Indonesia Defense Relations Under Trump?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the opportunities and challenges for security ties.

Under the Radar: Indonesia’s Relations with Algeria

Under the Radar: Indonesia’s Relations with Algeria

By Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Indonesia-Algeria ties have a long history, and today center on economics and counter-extremism.
Reintegrating Extremist Prisoners in Indonesia: Easier Said Than Done

Reintegrating Extremist Prisoners in Indonesia: Easier Said Than Done

By Cameron Sumpter
While government efforts at reintegration fall short, NGOs are filling the gap.

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