Indonesia extremism

How Hizb ut-Tahrir Is Exploiting the Gaza War to Revive Its Global Islamist Agenda
By Muhammad Makmun Rasyid
In Indonesia and elsewhere, anger at Israel's brutal attacks on Gaza has provided grist for the extremist mill.

After 18 Years at Guantanamo, Is It Too Late for Indonesian Detainee Hambali?
By Aisyah Llewellyn
President Donald Trump has ordered the expansion of the prison camp as a detention facility for illegal immigrants.

Indonesians Rejoice as Pope Francis Visits
By Aisyah Llewellyn
The Indonesian public have been taken with the pontiff since his arrival in the country, the first visit to Indonesia by a Pope in 35 years.

The Ulu Tiram Attack and the Jemaah Islamiyah Threat in Malaysia
By Bilveer Singh
The shock attack suggests that JI retains a presence in Malaysia, despite years of crackdowns by the state.

Indonesian Election Shows Advances In Deradicalization Methods
By Aisyah Llewellyn
A number of former members of the extremist group Jemaah Islamiyah cast their votes in last week's election, some for the first time.

Two Malaysian Men Sentenced to 23 Years Prison For Bali Bombing
By Aisyah Llewellyn
However, the sentences given to Mohammed Farik bin Amin and Mohammed Nazir bin Lep are far from the full story.

Remembering John MacDougall, an American Scholar of Indonesia
By Luke Hunt
The anthropologist, who died last week at the age of 53, was a renowned scholar of all things Balinese.

Is Indonesia at Risk of Terror Attacks During the Presidential Election?
By Aisyah Llewellyn
The country's extremist networks remain extant, but are much less capable of large-scale attacks than they were two decades ago.

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Hambali?
By Aisyah Llewellyn
More than 20 years after the Bali bombings in which he allegedly played a central role, nobody quite knows what to do with a man once seen as Southeast Asia's most wanted terrorist.

Nahdlatul Ulama at 100: Opportunities and Challenges
By Virdika Rizky Utama
At the turn of its second century, the Indonesian Islamic organization, one of the world's largest, faces a number of challenging headwinds.

Recent Arrest Puts Jemaah Islamiyah Back in the Spotlight
By Rakyan Adibrata and Jasminder Singh
An arrest last year demonstrates that JI's network has expanded considerably, despite the extremist group's recent period of dormancy.

Indonesia’s Vicious Cycle: Terrorist Convicts Making a Comeback?
By Andi Raihanah Ashar
Despite the government's deradicalization programs, a small but alarming number of terrorist convicts has reoffended after their release from prison.
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