
Indonesian economy

A Guide to Navigating the 2018 Risk Landscape in Indonesia

A Guide to Navigating the 2018 Risk Landscape in Indonesia

By Aishwarya Gupta and Ossama Ayesh
The Indonesian economy presents a stable outlook, but the political landscape of the country paints a bleaker picture.

Indonesia: Big Bang Reforms Or Small Pop?

Indonesia: Big Bang Reforms Or Small Pop?

By Anthony Fensom
It’s opening its doors, but some significant restrictions will remain.
Jakarta Attacks Hit Vulnerable Target

Jakarta Attacks Hit Vulnerable Target

By Anthony Fensom
Thursday’s attacks could have some significant economic implications.

Jokowi’s Battle for Survival

Jokowi’s Battle for Survival

By Anthony Fensom
The former managing editor of the Jakarta Post on the performance and prospects of Indonesia’s president.

Indonesian SMEs and the ASEAN Economic Community

Indonesian SMEs and the ASEAN Economic Community

By Randy W. Nandyatama
Indonesia’s president needs to lead in preparing the country’s small business sector for 2015.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Jokowi Must Confront a Weakening Rupiah

Jokowi Must Confront a Weakening Rupiah

By Matthew Prusak
Indonesia is facing its most serious currency crisis in 17 years.

Can Indonesia Be Better for Business?

Can Indonesia Be Better for Business?

By Eriz Ageng Wicaksono
Jokowi promises to improve the country’s ease of doing business, but he’ll have a lot of red tape to cut through first.
Will Aceh’s Sharia Law Quash Investment?

Will Aceh’s Sharia Law Quash Investment?

By Farzikha Soerono
Indonesia’s only province with Islamic Law shows the risks inherent in its uneven application.

Indonesia’s Middle East Imperative

Indonesia’s Middle East Imperative

By Rizvi Shihab
Jakarta needs a strategy that attracts greater ties with countries of the Middle East.

Jokowi’s Priorities

Jokowi’s Priorities

By Joshua Kurlantzick
A slowing economy, a poor education system, and crumbling infrastructure – there is much to choose from.

Jokowi’s Economic Challenges

Jokowi’s Economic Challenges

By Prachi Priya
Indonesia’s next president has plans to reform Indonesia’s economy. It won’t be easy.
Jokowi: Indonesia’s Best Chance?

Jokowi: Indonesia’s Best Chance?

By Anthony Fensom
Anthony Fensom and Colin Brown discuss Jokowi's prospects for reforming Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

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