
Japan consumption tax increase

Japan Election Victory Gives Abe Mandate For Reform

Japan Election Victory Gives Abe Mandate For Reform

By Anthony Fensom
The ruling coalition scores a two-thirds majority in the Lower House elections.

Japanese Election: Abe’s Mandate?

Japanese Election: Abe’s Mandate?

By Aurelia George Mulgan
Understanding Abe’s mandate requires understanding what a political mandate really is.
Another Election in Tokyo

Another Election in Tokyo

By Sheila A. Smith
The ruling coalition already has a huge majority in the Japanese parliament. So why go to the polls early?

Can Japan’s Corporations Kick-Start Recovery?

Can Japan’s Corporations Kick-Start Recovery?

By Clint Richards
Record corporate dividends have not translated into higher wages and a “virtuous economic cycle.”

Will History Repeat in Japan?

Will History Repeat in Japan?

By Anthony Fensom
Poor economic data prompt election talk and put the next consumption tax hike in doubt.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Recession Returns to Japan

By Clint Richards
Monday’s dismal figures put Japan on track for elections and a further tax delay.

Abe’s Tax Increase Gamble

Abe’s Tax Increase Gamble

By Clint Richards
As opposition to the tax builds, Japan must find a way to support its bold economic moves.
How an Election Gives Abe the Upper-Hand on Collective Self-Defense

How an Election Gives Abe the Upper-Hand on Collective Self-Defense

By Clint Richards
A December election would be an Abenomics referendum, and an open door to a stronger military.

Could Abe Call a Snap Election?

Could Abe Call a Snap Election?

By Clint Richards
An attempt to justify a change in course over the tax hike could backfire for the prime minister.

Will Japan Follow Through on its Next Tax Hike?

Will Japan Follow Through on its Next Tax Hike?

By Clint Richards
Declining approval and internal dissent are hindering Abe’s promise of fiscal responsibility.

Further Headwinds for Abenomics

Further Headwinds for Abenomics

By Clint Richards
The Japanese economy continues to lose momentum.
Shinzo Abe’s Big Plans for the Coming Diet Session

Shinzo Abe’s Big Plans for the Coming Diet Session

By Clint Richards
The Japanese prime minister has his eye on tax reform and Japan’s looming population crisis.

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