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All Pakistan Wants Is the Same Nuclear Deal the US Gave India

All Pakistan Wants Is the Same Nuclear Deal the US Gave India

By Umair Jamal
What are Pakistan's interests in approaching the U.S. about a nuclear deal?
Kashmir: Potentially Back With a Bang

Kashmir: Potentially Back With a Bang

By Ali Ahmed
The road from Kashmir to catastrophe is a worryingly short one.

Amid Ongoing India-Pakistan Clashes, Is Diplomacy Possible?

Amid Ongoing India-Pakistan Clashes, Is Diplomacy Possible?

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
After weeks of clashes, a flag meeting this week sought to defuse tensions.

For Peace, Pakistan Needs to Get Over Its Denial

For Peace, Pakistan Needs to Get Over Its Denial

By Neelam Deo
Pakistan's history of denial complicates the prospects of peace between it and India.

Book Review: Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years

Book Review: Kashmir: The Vajpayee Years

By Sanjay Kumar
Amarjit Singh Dulat’s book narrates the story of contemporary Kashmir.
Is There an Alternative To Talks Between India and Pakistan?

Is There an Alternative To Talks Between India and Pakistan?

By Sanjay Kumar
India-Pakistan talks fell apart again and both sides share the blame.

A Seismic Shift in India’s Pakistan Policy

A Seismic Shift in India’s Pakistan Policy

By Harsh V. Pant
New Delhi has shifted its approach toward talks with Pakistan. The implications stand to be huge.
With Cancelled Talks, India and Pakistan Back at Square One

With Cancelled Talks, India and Pakistan Back at Square One

By Ankit Panda
Pakistan has called off bilateral talks, citing dissatisfaction with New Delhi's "preconditions."

Kashmir's Young Rebels

Kashmir's Young Rebels

By Fahad Shah
With their backs against the wall, Kashmir's desperate youth have started taking up arms against the Indian government.

From Kabul to Gurdaspur: Pakistan’s Reliance on Sub-conventional Warfare

From Kabul to Gurdaspur: Pakistan’s Reliance on Sub-conventional Warfare

By Rohan Joshi
Developments this summer highlight Pakistan's continued reliance of sub-conventional warfare.

India-Pakistan Clashes in Kashmir

India-Pakistan Clashes in Kashmir

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
The two countries struggle to make diplomatic progress amid ongoing clashes.
Coalition of the Unwilling: Pakistan and India Bring Confrontation to the SCO

Coalition of the Unwilling: Pakistan and India Bring Confrontation to the SCO

By Umair Jamal
India and Pakistan joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization won't smooth the forum's transformation.

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