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Tajikistan Blocks Entry of Citizens From 35 Countries Over Coronavirus Fears

Tajikistan Blocks Entry of Citizens From 35 Countries Over Coronavirus Fears

By Catherine Putz
To date, Central Asia has no confirmed cases of the virus but the region's countries are certainly concerned.
Democracy, the Tokayev Way

Democracy, the Tokayev Way

By Nurseit Niyazbekov
Is democracy, the Tokayev way, just the same authoritarian regime skillfully imitating democratic institutions and procedures to legitimate itself?

Kazakhstan’s Authorities Backtrack on Freedom of Assembly

Kazakhstan’s Authorities Backtrack on Freedom of Assembly

By Paolo Sorbello
Around 80 activists were arrested on March 1 in Almaty in connection to an unsanctioned rally in memory of an activist who died in jail. 

The Green Steppe? Kazakhstan and Its Green Energy Future

The Green Steppe? Kazakhstan and Its Green Energy Future

By Wilder Alejandro Sanchez
Can gas and oil-dependent Kazakhstan increase its reliance on greener energy sources?

How Iran and Turkey Compete in Central Asian Trade

How Iran and Turkey Compete in Central Asian Trade

By Omid Rahimi and Ali Heydari
A closer look at how two pivotal players factor into subregional dynamics in this domain.
Arrests at Rallies as Kazakhstan Contemplates New Protest Law 

Arrests at Rallies as Kazakhstan Contemplates New Protest Law 

By Catherine Putz
As many as 200 were arrested for attending a pair of unsanctioned rallies. Meanwhile, a proposed law promises more of the same.

Is Kazakhstan Nipping Opposition in the Bud?

Is Kazakhstan Nipping Opposition in the Bud?

By Catherine Putz
Arrests and arson delay Kazakh opposition groups from gathering.
A New Era of Strategic Partnership: The US Engages to Find Opportunities in Central Asia

A New Era of Strategic Partnership: The US Engages to Find Opportunities in Central Asia

By Kristen Cheriegate
Central Asia will generally welcome -- and want -- U.S. attention, but will want a degree of circumspection.

Violence in Kazakhstan Turns Deadly for Dungans 

Violence in Kazakhstan Turns Deadly for Dungans 

By Paolo Sorbello
Ten were killed in clashes that followed ethnic lines, but betrayed long-standing socioeconomic dissatisfaction.

US Looks to Central Asia to Stand Up to China on Xinjiang

US Looks to Central Asia to Stand Up to China on Xinjiang

By Catherine Putz
Washington's messaging is aimed both at Beijing and Central Asian capitals.

A New US Strategy for Central Asia: Continuity Under Better Conditions

A New US Strategy for Central Asia: Continuity Under Better Conditions

By Catherine Putz
The new strategy revolves around a familiar “holy trinity” -- independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity -- while acknowledging the power of new regional dynamics.
Press Freedom Questions Follow Pompeo to Central Asia

Press Freedom Questions Follow Pompeo to Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
The U.S. secretary of state said he’s sent a “perfect message” on press freedoms.

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