

Asian Synthetic Drug Production Continued to Grow in 2023, UN Says

Asian Synthetic Drug Production Continued to Grow in 2023, UN Says

By Sebastian Strangio
Last year saw East and Southeast Asian governments seize 190 tons of methamphetamine, the largest amount ever recorded in a single year.

Asian Synthetic Drug Trade Continues to Surge, UN Says

Asian Synthetic Drug Trade Continues to Surge, UN Says

By Sebastian Strangio
Regional methamphetamine seizures dropped slightly in 2022, according to the U.N., but other indicators suggest that the supply "has remained very high or unchanged."
Thailand Tightens Laws on Meth Possession Amid Regional Drug Boom

Thailand Tightens Laws on Meth Possession Amid Regional Drug Boom

By Sebastian Strangio
In recent years, Myanmar-based drug syndicates have driven a regional boom in the production of amphetamine-style stimulants.

Thai PM Orders Gun, Drugs Crackdown After Daycare Center Massacre

Thai PM Orders Gun, Drugs Crackdown After Daycare Center Massacre

By Sebastian Strangio
The ghastly mass shooting in Nong Bua Lamphu Province has cast a light on the inadequacy of the country's current gun control regulations.

Ice and Instability: Illicit Financial Flows Along Thailand’s Borders

Ice and Instability: Illicit Financial Flows Along Thailand’s Borders

By Nickii Wantakan Arcado
The country’s law enforcement operations have done little to shrink the narcotics trade amid a pandemic-related supply glut and instability in Myanmar.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Lao Authorities Seize Another Huge Shipment of Methamphetamine

Lao Authorities Seize Another Huge Shipment of Methamphetamine

By Sebastian Strangio
The country's four largest meth seizures on record have come over the past 15 months – striking evidence of the scale of the recent Mekong drug production boom.

Illicit Drug Production Has Surged Since Myanmar’s Coup

Illicit Drug Production Has Surged Since Myanmar’s Coup

By Sebastian Strangio
The chaos that has enveloped Myanmar since the military takeover has been a gift to the country's drug trafficking syndicates.
Laos Seizes Record Meth Haul Amid Regional Production Boom

Laos Seizes Record Meth Haul Amid Regional Production Boom

By Sebastian Strangio
This week's 17 million tablet haul amounts to nearly the entire recorded seizures for last year.

Despite COVID-19, Asia’s Drug Trade Expands, Diversifies

Despite COVID-19, Asia’s Drug Trade Expands, Diversifies

By Sebastian Strangio
Asian government's seizures of methamphetamine rose 19 percent in 2020.

Vietnam and the Mekong’s Synthetic Drug Epidemic

Vietnam and the Mekong’s Synthetic Drug Epidemic

By Hai Thanh Luong
Mainland Southeast Asia remains a hotspot for illegal drug manufacturing, and Vietnam is emerging as a transit hub.

Yaba: The Red Pills and the Rohingya

Yaba: The Red Pills and the Rohingya

By Siddharthya Roy
Bangladesh’s cities are awash with red methamphetamine pills that come in from Myanmar.
Crazy Medicine: Interview with Producer and Noir Novelist James Newman

Crazy Medicine: Interview with Producer and Noir Novelist James Newman

By Tyler Roney
A new short film gains acclaim, peeling back the veil on Bangkok's darker side.

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