Myanmar women

Forced Conscription in Myanmar: Stop Sending My Sisters to the Bombs
By Helianthus Oo
The implementation of the People's Military Service Law will allow the military to increase its control over women's lives and bodies.

Myanmar’s Silent Digital Crisis
By Phyu Sin Shin Thant
The country’s civil war has been accompanied by the growing prevalence of non-consensual pornography and other forms of cyber-attacks on women.

The Devastating Gendered Impacts of Myanmar’s Coup
By Michelle Onello
Women and girls have been disproportionately affected by the junta's repression. They are also playing leading roles in the resistance to its rule.

Myanmar’s Women Face Significant Risks From Junta Conscription Drive
By Thinzar Shunlei Yi and Maggi Quadrini
After an initial exemption, women and girls are now being forcibly recruited into the ranks of the country's armed forces.

Three Years After the Myanmar Coup, Women Human Rights Defenders Remain at the Forefront
By Naw Hser Hser and Maggi Quadrini
Many women activists and revolutionaries are working to ensure that the fall of the military will also lead to a revolution in gender equality.

Myanmar’s Democratic Future Must Start Now, With Ethnic Women Leading the Way
By Arlene Brosas and Evelyn
A federal system that is genuinely inclusive, sustainable, and democratic must include a prominent role for women from the country’s ethnic minority communities.

Challenges Advancing Gender Equality in Myanmar’s Karenni State
By Maggi Quadrini and Anonymous
If Myanmar's revolution is to succeed, it must tackle the patriarchal structures that underpin the country's militarized political culture.

Gender Inclusion in Myanmar’s National Unity Government: Add Women and Stir?
By Godwin Yidana
Gender inclusion transcends mere equality.

Why Inclusion Matters for Myanmar’s Resistance
By Thomas Kean and Hnin Thet Hmu Khin
In defiance of prevailing patriarchal norms, young women are playing instrumental roles in the country's “Spring Revolution."

Two Years On, Women Remain at the Forefront of Myanmar’s Resistance Movement
By Nandar and Maggi Quadrini
The work of the country's women is central to the success of the Spring Revolution. It's time for the outside world to support them.

Myanmar’s Coup Has Put Women in Harm’s Way
By Maggi Quadrini
Seven months after the military’s seizure of power, women in Myanmar are facing a rise in threats to their livelihoods and health.

Revenge Porn Has Become a Political Weapon in Myanmar
By Amara Thiha
As Myanmar's crisis deepens, the country's women are bearing much of the burden.
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