

The Nauru-Australia Security Treaty: Win-Win or Trouble Ahead?

The Nauru-Australia Security Treaty: Win-Win or Trouble Ahead?

By Joanne Wallis and Jack Corbett
At first glance, Australia’s new treaty with Nauru seems to be benefit both sides. But questions remain.
Nauru’s Geopolitical Clout  

Nauru’s Geopolitical Clout  

By Patricia O’Brien
The diplomatic battle between Taipei and Beijing is but one arena where Nauru is flexing muscle that greatly exceeds its demographic and geographic size.

Nauru Switches Ties From Taipei to Beijing

Nauru Switches Ties From Taipei to Beijing

By Dechlan Brennan
In the immediate aftermath of Taiwan’s elections, in which the DPP retained the presidency, Nauru announced its decision to establish diplomatic relations with China. 

Nauru and Samoa Join Fossil Fuel Treaty Amid Fierce Debate at COP28

Nauru and Samoa Join Fossil Fuel Treaty Amid Fierce Debate at COP28

By Sacha Shaw
When it comes to phasing out fossil fuels, the most at-risk countries are taking matters into their own hands rather than waiting on the lagging COP process.

Strong Showing for the Pacific at Biden’s Summit for Democracy

Strong Showing for the Pacific at Biden’s Summit for Democracy

By Grant Wyeth
The Pacific Islands have not been overlooked by the White House, although the region’s democracies face challenges, too.
Pacific Island Nations Consider Deep-sea Mining, Despite Risks

Pacific Island Nations Consider Deep-sea Mining, Despite Risks

By Joshua Mcdonald
Pacific Island nations are contemplating allowing deep-sea mining to bolster their economies, despite unknown environmental impacts.

PIF Fragmentation May Alter US-China Competition in the Pacific

PIF Fragmentation May Alter US-China Competition in the Pacific

By Derek Grossman
A looming north-south split in the Pacific Islands Forum poses both challenges and opportunities to the rival superpowers.
Australia to Welcome More Pacific Islanders With New Visa Program

Australia to Welcome More Pacific Islanders With New Visa Program

By Grant Wyeth
The new Pacific Labor Scheme will allow 2,000 people from Nauru, Kiribati and Tuvalu to work in parts of Australia for up to three years.

The Sovereign Recognition Game: Has Nauru Overplayed Its Hand?

The Sovereign Recognition Game: Has Nauru Overplayed Its Hand?

By Grant Wyeth
In recognizing Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Nauru drew Russian funds. Can U.S. pressure flip Nauru's choice?

US Begins Vetting Asylum Seekers on Papua New Guinea

US Begins Vetting Asylum Seekers on Papua New Guinea

By Luke Hunt
Uncertainty still lingers over specifics.

What to Make of China in the South Pacific?

What to Make of China in the South Pacific?

By Grant Wyeth
Long motivated by a recognition war with Taiwan, China's latest diplomacy in the region takes on a strategic tone.

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