
North Korean sanctions evasion

Can the Multilateral Sanctions Monitoring Team Tackle North Korea’s Sanctions Evasion?

Can the Multilateral Sanctions Monitoring Team Tackle North Korea’s Sanctions Evasion?

By Troy Stangarone
After Russia ended the U.N. Panel of Experts, a group of U.S. allies has created their own alternative. But with China and Russia showing little interest in cooperating, progress will be difficult.
North Korea Orders Establishment of ‘Emergency Trade System’ to Acquire Food

North Korea Orders Establishment of ‘Emergency Trade System’ to Acquire Food

By Jeong Tae Joo
The trade ministry’s order is aimed at circumventing international sanctions and securing safe channels for foreign trade, a source told Daily NK.

North Korea Confirms Lengthy Quarantines Outside Nampho in 2022

North Korea Confirms Lengthy Quarantines Outside Nampho in 2022

By Leo Byrne
A new report inadvertently sheds light on the extent of North Korea’s COVID-19 quarantine measures – and their impact on its sanctions evasion efforts.

Sanctioned and Sailing Through Chinese Waters: The Case of the UN-Blacklisted Hoe Ryong

Sanctioned and Sailing Through Chinese Waters: The Case of the UN-Blacklisted Hoe Ryong

By Leo Byrne
The microcosm of North Korean sanctions enforcement (or the lack thereof) has broader implications for current efforts to sanction Russia.

North Korean Oil Tanker Stops in Chinese Port in the First Recorded Visit Since 2017

North Korean Oil Tanker Stops in Chinese Port in the First Recorded Visit Since 2017

By Leo Byrne
It’s the first time since tight U.N. sanctions on the North’s oil imports went into effect that Pyongyang has openly sent a tanker to China.
Understanding North Korea’s Fuel Smuggling Networks in East Asia

Understanding North Korea’s Fuel Smuggling Networks in East Asia

By Ankit Panda
How does North Korea keep fueling its military and other needs?

Anatomy of a North Korean Coal Smuggling Operation

Anatomy of a North Korean Coal Smuggling Operation

By Project Sandstone
North Korea has adopted creative new ways to export coal and other commodities to fund its WMD and ballistic missile program.
How North Korea Skirts Sanctions at Sea

How North Korea Skirts Sanctions at Sea

By Cameron Trainer
As sanctions tighten, North Korea’s efforts at evasion intensify.

A Closer Look at North Korea’s Virtual Currency Ambitions

A Closer Look at North Korea’s Virtual Currency Ambitions

By Tae-jun Kang
North Korea is signalling increased interest in digital currencies, possibly as a way to help avoid sanctions.

US Sheds Light on Sanctions-Busting North Korean Ship-to-Ship Transfer Activity

US Sheds Light on Sanctions-Busting North Korean Ship-to-Ship Transfer Activity

By Ankit Panda
Washington casts a spotlight on North Korea's continued sanctions evasion attempts.

Fake Flags: At-Sea Sanctions Enforcement and Ship Identity Falsification

Fake Flags: At-Sea Sanctions Enforcement and Ship Identity Falsification

By Olivia Vassalotti and Cameron Trainer
Fraudulent ship registration makes the already challenge task of sanctions enforcement more difficult.
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