Northern Territories

Not Guilty Verdict in Police Murder Case Shines Light on Injustices Facing Australia’s Indigenous People
By Dechlan Brennan
In the past 20 years, over 500 Indigenous people have died in police or other official custody. Not a single officer has ever faced jail time for causing such a death.

What Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Portends for Japan’s Northern Territories
By Aurelia George Mulgan
Tokyo appears to have finally realized that Putin has no intention of ever handing any of the disputed islands back to Japanese control.

Legacy Comes First in Abe’s Foreign Policy
By James D. J. Brown
Abe’s hasty pursuit of a legacy makes Japanese foreign policy look unprincipled and weak.

Russia Is Building Military Barracks on Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan has officially logged protest with Russia over the construction of military barracks on the disputed island chain.

Putin Offers Japan ‘Peace Treaty Without Any Pre-Conditions’
By Franz-Stefan Gady
By suggesting a peace treaty, Putin effectively urged Japan to give up its claims on the disputed Kuril Islands.

Japan Asks Russia to Reduce Militarization of Disputed Kuril Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Japan wants Russia to scale down its military presence on the disputed island chain.

Australia's Asia Gas Conundrum
By Nick Rodway
New gas projects across its north position Australia as Southeast Asia’s future energy supplier – but not without controversy.

The Third Annual Eastern Economic Forum and the Japan-Russia Summit
By John Taishu Pitt
Why Japan and Russia won't reach an agreement on the Northern Territories dispute.

How Putin Outplayed Abe in Japan
By Liubomir K. Topaloff
In this diplomatic sparring match, there was only one winner.

How the Kuril Islands Are Testing Shinzo Abe's Statesmanship
By Sergey Radchenko
The recent Russia-Japan summit could be best described as embarrassment for Abe and a major coup for Putin.

Russia-Japan Summit: No Grand Bargain Within Reach
By Jeremy Maxie
A mutually beneficial 'balance of power' based on territorial and security arrangements remains beyond reach.

What Will a Kuril Islands Deal Between Russia and Japan Take?
By Ankit Panda
Japan looks to incentivize Russian interest in a deal over the Kurils by laying out several economic initiatives.
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