

Kishida Becomes First Japanese PM to Attend NPT Review Conference

Kishida Becomes First Japanese PM to Attend NPT Review Conference

By Mina Pollmann
Kishida's appearance at the review conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons is a sign of his personal interest in nuclear disarmament.

Japan’s Dilemma Over Nuclear Disarmament 

Japan’s Dilemma Over Nuclear Disarmament 

By Thisanka Siripala
Japan’s refusal to sign the U.N. treaty banning nuclear weapons has exacerbated a Pandora’s box of internal and international criticism.
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Set to Enter Into Force

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Set to Enter Into Force

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
On January 22, 2021 the TPNW will enter into force. But will it matter?

The Road to a Nuclear Breakout: Comparing Iran and North Korea

The Road to a Nuclear Breakout: Comparing Iran and North Korea

By Nah Liang Tuang
There are enough disturbing parallels between Pyongyang and Tehran’s nuclear ambitions that the latter’s recent threat to leave the NPT needs to be decisively addressed.

Iranian FM: Will Leave NPT if Europeans Refer Case to UN Security Council

Iranian FM: Will Leave NPT if Europeans Refer Case to UN Security Council

By Ankit Panda
The statement follows a decision by the European parties to the JCPOA to invoke the agreement’s dispute resolution mechanism.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

From ‘No First Use’ to ‘No, First Use?’

From ‘No First Use’ to ‘No, First Use?’

By Ankit Panda
Is India’s nuclear policy heading into uncharted waters?

Managing Nuclear Risks: The Emerging Technologies Challenge

Managing Nuclear Risks: The Emerging Technologies Challenge

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
The impact of technological changes on nuclear risks needs to be addressed much more directly.
Reforming the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty for New Realities

Reforming the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty for New Realities

By Saurabh Todi
It’s time to amend the NPT to bring India and Pakistan into the fold as nuclear weapons states.

Japan Holds Firm Against Nuclear Ban Treaty on Anniversary of Nuclear Bombings

Japan Holds Firm Against Nuclear Ban Treaty on Anniversary of Nuclear Bombings

By Daniel Hurst
Shinzo Abe insists that the treaty is unrealistic, but civil society is pushing back.

Long Overdue: India and Japan Are Ready for a Full-Fledged Civil Nuclear Deal

Long Overdue: India and Japan Are Ready for a Full-Fledged Civil Nuclear Deal

By Satoru Nagao
Tokyo and New Delhi have much to gain and little to lose by signing a civil nuclear agreement.

Is China Bringing its South China Sea Tactics to the East China Sea?

Is China Bringing its South China Sea Tactics to the East China Sea?

By Ankit Panda
Plus, PACOM's top man speaks, India and nuclear testing, Afghanistan's sturggle in Helmand, and more. Links.
How Modi’s Nuclear Agenda Matters for Mexico

How Modi’s Nuclear Agenda Matters for Mexico

By Gilberto Estrada Harris and Kate Sullivan de Estrada
The Indian prime minister will have a hard time convincing Mexico to support India's inclusion in the NSG.

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