ROK-DPRK relations

The 2 Koreas Share Experience in Foreign Wars
By Scott Sigmund Gartner
Sending soldiers to fight in the Vietnam War fundamentally transformed South Korea's economy. The deployment of North Korean soldiers to the Russian-Ukraine War will likely do the same.

North Korea is Preparing for a New Round of Weapons Tests, South Korean Spy Agency Says
By Hyung-jin Kim
The National Intelligence Services aid it has detected unusually heavy activities at a North Korean facility that produces solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missiles and at another site related to liquid-fueled ICBMs.

How the US SSBN Port Call in Busan Bolsters Extended Deterrence
By Jihoon Yu and Erik French
By announcing the USS Kentucky’s visit to Busan, the U.S. temporarily rendered one of its key assets more vulnerable, showing that it is willing to run risks on behalf of South Korea.

Reflecting on the Korean Armistice, 70 Years Later
By Shannon Tiezzi
The Korean Peninsula remains divided, but in South Korea at least there are “wide-ranging and serious reflections on the meaning and consequences of the war,” says historian Gregg A. Brazinsky.

North Korea’s Kim Yo Jong Slams Sanctions Measures
By Mitch Shin
After Kim’s statement belittling Yoon in August, this was her second discourteous statement toward the South Korean president.

The Future of the Kaesong Industrial Complex and Liberal Peace on the Korean Peninsula
By Hyo Joon Chang
Has the time finally arrived to confirm that the KIC is a dead project or does it have a future?

Is South Korean Culture a Threat to North Korea?
By Seohee Kwak
The North Korean regime’s repression of South Korean culture reflects a logic that equates foreign culture with a threat to the regime’s stability.

Unpacking Claims of Secret North Korean Intelligence Operations
By Jason Bartlett
North Korean intelligence capabilities, tactics, and targets have evolved over the decades.

Minding the Gap in US-ROK Public Opinion
By Kristine Lee and Melodie Ha
The key remains the U.S. president’s ability to articulate a clear vision to both the American and South Korean publics.

South Korea’s Strategy to Bring Peace to the Peninsula: Credit Trump
By Benjamin A. Engel
Trump enjoys flattery, so the South Koreans are flattering him into engaging North Korea diplomatically.

Why US-North Korea Talks Will Fail
By Yukari Easton
The most likely outcome is that we will essentially end up where we began.

South Korea’s Strategy Is Engagement
By Ramon Pacheco Pardo
Ultimately, South Korea’s engagement strategy comes down to the realities of the Korean Peninsula.
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